Chapter 33

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So Umbridge never found out it was me. Her clothes changed again the next day. It was epic!

"Why are you with us right now?" Lee asked me. Lee, Fred, George and I were roaming the corridors after hours.

My face blushed.

"Her and Ron haven't been...good." Fred explained. He just nodded.

"Oh, urm, sorry." He mumbled.

"You know, your going to get pranked so badly Lee?" I asked sweetly. His eyes widened. He was terrified of my pranks.

He started to panick, but George just pushed him.

"I'm going to go..." I trailed off. They gave me puzzled looks. "Going to go...uhm, somewhere." I said. They didnt answer, so I just walked off.

"Sarah!" someone called behind me.

"Oh hey Harry! And Hermione!" I said while hugging them.

"Wanna come to dinner with us and Ron?" Hermione asked. My stomach got butterflies, and I could feel my face going pale.

"Um..sure." I replied. God, I shouldn't have said yes.

"Yay!" Hermione squealed and dragged me into the Great Hall. We walked to about the middle and sat down. I quickly glanced around the Great Hall, looking to see if Ron was around. Hermione and Harry were talking about something, but I wasn't paying attention, I was quietly nibbling on some bread.

"What do you think about that Sarah?" Harry asked me.

"What? Sorry I wasnt listening." I answer.

"I asked whether or not we should try and find some information on Umbridge to get rid of her."

"Oh. Uh, yeah. I doubt we'll find anything though, the Ministry has everything on lock down. And Fudge isn't going to do anything, trust me." I paused. "He didn't even send people to come find me after my parents were killed."

Hermione put a hand on my shoulder, and we sat there in silence for a while. I just put my head down and started another conversation.

"Do you think that they will unban you from Quidditch next year?" I asked Harry. He and Hermione then started talking for a bit about why or why not they would. It was a perfect way for me to just think without being interupted.

"Hey guys!" someone said behind us. I turned. It was Ron. His eyes squinted at me, then trailed off elsewhere. He wouldn't even look at me...

I am honestly not even sure if we are still together at this point. And honestly, I don't want to even find out.

"Gotta go." I said, trying to make this dinner less awkward. Harry reached for my arm to stop me, but I avoided it and walked off.

"Sarah! Where are you going?" asked Ginny. I turned and faced the red-haired girl.

"Uhm, bathroom..?" I lied. But she saw right through me. She stomped towards me and pulled me by the collar of my robes and into an empty corridor.

"Whats wrong." she demanded.

"Ron walked over and glared at me. I don't even know if we are still together..." I mumbled. She sighed.

"Sarah, why don't you just ask him?"

"Ask him if we are still together? Like that will work out well."

"We all know that Ron is thick, but I know that he doesn't want to end it. He's just worried that he could lose you, but he got so worried it turned into extreme jealousy." Ginny stated.

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