Chapter 49

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Sarah's POV

"Alright, Gin." I sigh to her. She smiles and hugs me.

"What exactly did he say again?" she asks exictedly.

"That he still isn't over me." I explain for atleast the 5th time.

"God Ginny, you are so peppy." Hermione says, looking over her book. Ginny scowls at her, and then Hermione clicks her tongue while returning to her book.

"Sooo, when are you going to tell him?" Ginny asks.

"I don't know, when the time is right. Maybe tomorrow-ish." I say, looking back down at my DADA book to study.

"Tomorrow!" Ginny cries. "Go now!"

I sigh. "Ginny, maybe I was dreaming. Remember, I was half asleep and not to mention I was in a coma for a week." I say. I try to end the conversation there by picking my book up over my eyes and staring intently at the pages.

Ginny pushes the book down, and her turquoiuse eyes meet my ocean blue ones. "You know its not over between you two."

"Fine. I'll tell him after our game against Ravenclaw today." I say, getting up and collecting my books.

"Fine." Ginny says. "Have fun in DADA."


I walk out of the DADA room and head immediatly towards the Common Room. It is already being set up with gold and scarlet streamers, flags, banners; everything involiving Gryffindor pride. Also, there are many kegs of Butterbeer, and Pumpkin juice, along the back wall of the Common Room.

I sigh and close the door to my dorm room that I share with Hermione. She is already laying on her bed studying.

"Ron is nervous as hell about today." Hermione says while reading the Daily Prophet.

"He shouldn't be. He has some good talent." I say, going into my closet for my uniform.

I pull it out and quickly change into it. I have about 1 hour until the game.

"'Mione, do my hair?" I ask her sweetly. I bat my eyelashes at her, and she rolls her eyes.

She then gets up and pushes me into a chair. I hear the drawer slam shut, meaning she just got a brush out.

The brush pulls through my knotty hair. She thens starts to twist it around, and within 5 minutes I get up and look at the mirror.

My golden locks are pulled into a fishtail braid that goes down my mid back.

"Thanks Mione. Now you have to make me pretty for the after party!" I say, smiling brightly at her. She grins and nods, then goes back to reading the newspaper.

"Sure thing" she says, smiling.

"Alright, now I gotta go. See you later!" I say while heading out the door, grabbing my bag with the rest of my equipment.

"Good luck!" I hear Hermione yell as I walk downstairs.

"Harry!" I say, hugging him tightly.

"Hey Sar. Ready for another season?" he asks, his emerald eyes dancing as he talks.

"Yep. Have you seen Ron? He asked me to wait for him here." I ask, looking around the Common Room.

He shakes his head. I say my goodbye and head out the door.

Once at the locker room, I sit down at a bench and throw my bag onto the bench next to me. Soon Katie and Ginny walk in.

They sit down across from me and throw their bags on the floor in front of them.

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