Chapter 13

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~Ron's P.O.V.~

I still hadnt talked to Sarah. Im such a prat. Why did I blow up on her like that? And lets not forget I can be the reason she almost got killed. I mean, if we didnt fight she wouldnt have gone to the lake and she wouldnt have gotten attacked.

Nice going, Weasley.

I walked into my closet, not to find something because I was bored. I looked inside to see a brand new 'Cleansweep 7' Then it hit me. I DIDNT GIVE SARAH HER CHRISTMAS PRESENT!

I ran downstairs to the common room to see if she was there. No luck. I decided I would leave the gift I got her on her bed for when she wakes up tomorrow morning. I got up not even 3 steps before they turned into a slide and I tumbled down to the bottom.

OUCH! I thought while rubbing the back of my head.

I went to a window in the common room, and whistled. "Pidwidgeon!" I called out, and in a matter of a few seconds, an owl came and landed on my arm.

Sirius gave me Pidwigeon last year because my rat turned out to be Peter Pettigrew. Brilliant.

I wrote a note on a piece of parchment, used a spell to tie it to the box, and gave it to my owl. "Send to Sarah." I said. Before he left, I gave him a treat, and with a 'Who Whoo' he flew out of the window, right into the girl's dorm window.

~Sarah's P.O.V.~

I woke up groggilly the next morning to see a box on my bed. On it was a note that said:

~You dont know who I am, but lets keep it that way. You will be my dirty little secret.

Hope you like your gift. It suits you well.

-Love, someone~

I laughed when I read this. It would be so much easier to just tell me who they are. I know its not Oliver, because this is completely not his handwriting. Oh well..

I opened the box, it was an aqua colored wrapping paper with a white bow. Aqua is my favorite color, weird. I thought.

I opened the box and I almost passed out. I held up the gift and just stared at it. My mouth fell open.

I examined it closely. It was silver with a diamond key attatched to it. And carefully engraved on the heart was, "You Have the Key to My Heart"

I gasped. Then Hermione walked through the door from the bathroom while brushing her hair.

"Finally you are up-Whats that?" she asked, while looking at the necklace I was still holding.

"I-I" I stammered out, then I just handed to her the note and necklace. She gasped at its beauty, then motioned for me to turn around. I did as told, and she clasped the necklace behind my neck. I walked up to the mirror and stared at the necklace.

"Hey Mione, it matches my new bracelet too!" I said, while holding up the bracelet to my neck. She just nodded, she was still in awe.

After realizing she was too in shock to talk, I just got ready and we went down to the Great Hall to have breakfast, because we had lessons today.

I entered the Great Hall, and a few people asked me how I was feeling. After replying "Fine, thank you." then smiling and walking on, we made our way to a spot next to Harry and Ron.

I sat down next to Harry, and thanked him for his gift. I also called to Fred and George, and Ginny, and everyone else who got me something.

"Whoa, where'd you get that!" Harry asked, pointing to my necklace.

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