Chapter 41

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So I talked to this kid Damon all night. It turns out he's 2 years older then me, and graduated from Durmstrang this year. Oh yeah, did I mention the BEST part?


"So, you go to Hogwarts?" he asks me.

"Why yes I do." I reply, slurring my words slightly.

"Wait, you said Sarah Richards, right?"

"Why yes I did!" I pratically yell. He sort of laughs, then goes serious.

"I heard that you're the Heir of Gryffindor." he says with a smirk.

"Well duh!" I say, the alcohol beginning to mess up my speaking.

"You know, I'm an Heir to an important wizard myself." he pauses.

"Who would that be Mr. Damon?" I say, laughing.

"Salizar Slytherin."


Yep, I found the Heir of Slytherin. Oh yeah, and we snogged.


"So how was he?" Jess asks happily the next morning.

I groan. "Jess, don't yell please." I say, going into the freezer for some ice. Instead, Rowena hands me a fizzy drink.

"Sorry sorry." she pauses and watches me gulp down the drink. "So how was he?" she asks, more calmly.

I smile. "Bloody brilliant."


(FF to August)


I lazily walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Everyone was talking in hushed whispers, and when I got down they stopped.

"What?" I ask, insecure. They all quickly look away from me. "What!" I demand.

"Ronald, don't yell." Mum barks. I roll my eyes and sit down at the table.

"Six raids Molly!" Dad says, walking into the kitchen holding the Daily Prophet.

"I know Arthur, I know. I can't believe that the Deatheaters are targetting defenseless muggles now!" Mum says, reffering to the attack in London. The Deatheaters caused some havoc, and not to mention all the trouble they caused in Diagon Alley. "But hurry up everyone, Fred and George want us to go see the shop today. It is opening day you know."

I rolled my eyes, and Ginny and Hermione glared at me. They've been doing that a lot lately, and it is getting old. "Whatever." I said, while digging into my cereal.

Everyone is waiting for me by the time I finish. I walk under the fireplace and Floo to DIagon Alley with my family, Harry, and Hermione.

I yawn as I come out of the fireplace in Diagon Alley. Hermione pushes me along and I grunt when I almost trip.

When we arrive in front of Weasley Wizardly Wheezes, I am in untter shock. It is bloody brilliant. They actually made it look nice. In the dismal and dark setting of Diagon Alley, the store really stood out. Deatheater attacks on Diagon Alley really destroyed it. Ollivander's was even destroyed, and Hermione was almost in tears. The thing that really got to her was when we walked by Flourish and Blotts, and the windows were smashed and books were thrown everywhere. It was hard seeing Diagon Alley like this.

There was a large corner building where "Zonkos Joke Shop" once stood. The bricks are painted in a bright purple, with orange trim that matched our hair. Above the front door, there was a large statue of either Fred or George, who kept pulling a hat on and off his head. Every time, something new appeared, then quickly disappeared, then another thing appeared. Truly amazing, to say the least.

But the thing that caught my eye was the line of people that wrapped around the corner. Mostly kids, who probably want to stock up before school. With all of the Hogwarts students who are second years and up, they probably want to succeed Fred and George as the pranksters of Hogwarts. Let's not forget that they have to impress Peeves the pranking ghost.

Mum and Dad pulled us past the line and into the front doors.

"Oi! We're not open yet!" two voices yelled from upstairs. My jaw dropped as I looked around. The store was about 4 stories of pranks, candy, jokes, potions, and bloody awesomeness. Whizz-bangs were already flying off, and an Umbridge model was yelling at no one.

Then, two red-head twins appeared, dressed in magenta robes.

"Hey its you!" Fred said, jumping down the steps.

"Yeah, we thought you wouldn't be here until later!" George finished.

"We figured we wanted to get here early for you two." Mum said.

"You boys did a brilliant job!" Dad comments.

They thank us then quickly push us out of the way.

"Gotta open!" Fred yells as he walks towards the door.

"LEE!" George screams upstairs.

Lee Jordan comes rushing down in his robes, and runs to the counter. Fred and George smile and then open the doors. Kids of all ages come rushing in at a steady pace, exploring the shop happily. Girls ran to the candy and love potion sections, while the boys ran mostly to the pranks. Half of Hogwarts was there. Seamus, Dean, Luna, Neville, me, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Colin Creevy and his brother Nigel, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, Alica Spinet, Hannah Abbot, Penelope Clearwater with Percy, Romilda Vain, Parvaiti and Padma Patil, Cho Chang, Susan Bones, Terry Boot, the list goes on and on.

"How much for this?" I ask my brothers.

"5 galleons." they say together.

"How much for me?"

"5 galleons." they say, raising an eyebrow.

"But I'm your brother."

They look at eachother and smirk. "10 galleons." they say, and walk off to go help someone else.

I hear familar laughing, and go behind a shelf. I look out from behind it, and see Sarah walking with some guy. Just then I get a painful pull in the pit of my stomach.

This guy has his arm around Sarah's waist, holding her close. Like I used too. She's laughing at a joke he's telling her, and he's smiling. She looks so happy. But how can someone's happiness cause me so much pain?

"Ron?" someone asks from behind me. I whip around quickly.

"Oh, hi Jessica."

"What's up with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You seem, tense.." she trails off. I watch as she looks at what I was previously looking at. "Your not, are you?" she asks.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I reply harshly.

She sighs. "You like her still don't you?"

"No. But who's that guy?" I ask. Her eyes go wide, and she looks side to side. She pushes me back by my shoulder against a wall and looks around once again.

"Don't mess this up for her."

"Are they dating?"

"Not yet." she replies, but before she walks away, I grab her wrist.

"Who is he?" I demand.

"Damon Salvatore." she pauses, then leans closer. "Heir Of Slytherin."


Falling asleep, ending there. Sorry :P

But I did right 2 chapters for today, so I'm good :*

OMGOMGOMG it's chapter 41. Can you believe that?!? I remmeber when I first wrote this story..ahh.. the good days :)

<3<3<3<3 Love you guys hope you liked it <3<3<3

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