Chapter 5

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                                     ~Sarah's P.O.V. ~

What the hell just happened? I'm an heir of Godric FREAKING Gryffindor!

And, I got a sick new wand.

But, wait. Do I tell anyone else? I really wished that Ron wasn't there. It's not that I don't trust him, because I do, but...

At least now I have someone to talk to about this. But what if he tells anyone?

"Hi," I muttered to Ron.

"Hey Sarah. Um, how's everything going?" he replied nervously.

What did he think this meant that I was a super freaky monster?

This is good, isn't it? Godric Gryffindor was a hero; he was brave, and a dueling champion.

"Good, good. Um, can I trust you? You know, to not tell anyone about, you know, that?"

"Yeah, sure. I don’t get why, its totally wicked and all. I mean bloody hell, your, you know." he replied with enthusiasm.

"I guess but I don’t want anyone treating me differently, you know?" I shrugged.

He just nodded and walked off. We were leaving for Hogwarts tomorrow. Everyone says it’s like a 6 hour train ride just to get there, then by the time the carriages come it’s another hour. Just to get a school no less!

Well, I guess I can't complain, I mean, I could be a slave.

The rest of the night passed quickly. We talked, ate, laughed, and even went outside for a little. The twins showed me how to play Exploding Snaps, and even gave me some Whizz-bangs, a product of their own invention.


I woke up the next morning at 8. At least I got some actual sleep this morning. I was the first one up, too. Well, besides for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, then Percy got up right after me.

I took a shower and got dressed in a pair of capris and a plain white t-shirt, with a small pink jacket on top of it. I combed my hair and put it up in a high pony-tail and let my bangs fall out of it and they landed just over my eyes. I even put on a little mascara to bring out the blue in my eyes.

When I got downstairs, Percy was all ready, and the twins were even up. Mrs. Weasley had made pancakes that morning, with a side of bacon.

I was starving, so I ate a lot that morning. My trunk was all packed; I packed it last night. I was ready to leave whenever, and by the time I finished eating, everyone was up.

"C'mon children! We must be going! Don't want to be late, do we?" Mrs. Weasley asked excitedly. I think she was just excited to not have so many kids in the house.

When we arrived at the train station, we hurriedly made our way to the platform.

I just noticed my ticket; it read "Platform 9 3/4, First of September, 9:00"

Uh, what?

"Just run through, dear, between Platforms 9 and 10. Best start at a bit of a run," Mrs. Weasley informed me.

I watched as the twins, Percy, and Ginny went through the wall. I thought it was easy enough, so I did exactly what Mrs. Weasley said.

After I ran through the wall, I was in the presence of something completely different.

It was a busy place, filled with children and teens and all of there parents. But, the thing I saw that really caught my attention was a very large red train, that clearly read "Hogwarts Express."

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