Chapter 11

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~Sarah's P.O.V.~

I woke up the next morning super pumped. It was the day of the Yule Ball! WOO-HOO!

But ugh, we had a half-day of lessons. First, I have to head off to Astonomy, then Charms, then Transfiguration. I dont even remember what happened during them, I was too excited for the Ball.

Its only 6pm, I have an hour and a half to get ready. Hermione still isnt talking to Ron, and since I hang out with Hermione a lot, neither can I. *Sigh* Oh well, I guess we'll talk again eventually.

After my shower, I use a quick-dry hair spell so I can get to work. I curl my golden locks into soft curls that lay perfectly on my shoulders. I add a little mascara, and a light pink lip-gloss. After helping Hermione do her hair and make-up, I take a deep breath.

I go into my closet, and take out the bag with the dress. I havent shown anyone else yet, not even Hermione.

"Can I see it now?" she asked. I smiled and shook my head. "Pretty please?" she said, while giving me puppy eyes.

"Nope, you will see it when I'm done getting ready." I said. "Ugh, fine, I'm gunna go down now, I have to meet up with Viktor because we have to walk in together."

"M'kay. See you soon Mione!" I said. She waved while walking out of the door. Now, time to get dressed and make my way down....

~Ron's P.O.V.~

Im waiting at the entrance to the Great Hall with Harry. He got us dates with Parvati and Padma Patil. I think that Padma is my date, but Im not sure. I didnt even bother asking.

And I found out that Hermione's date is Viktor Krum, oh well. Though, she is fratenizing (sp?) with the enemy. Harry didnt seem to mind though. She looked pretty too, but then Harry broke the short silence between us.

"Whoa. She looks beautiful." Harry said. I looked at my date.

"Yeah Mate, I guess that she-" then I turned and looked in the direction Harry was. At the top of the stairs, was Sarah. She looked amazing, no, perfect. Her dress complimented her so perfectly.

She was like an angel. Everyone that was in that hallway turned to look at her. Everyone's eyes had jealousy in them. The girls were jealous that they didnt look that amazing, and the guys were jealous because their dates didnt look that amazing.

She smiled as she walked down from the steps. With each step she took, I was getting upset. In a few more steps, she would be walking straight to Oliver, who was waiting eagerly at the bottom of the steps. *Sigh*

I watched as she took his hand, and he kissed her cheek. She blushed slightly, and smiled. Then they gracefully walked into the Great Hall. I literally felt like crying. What is this feeling inside of me? Its nothing that I've ever felt before. Its, weird. Its like all I think about is her, what shes doing, or how beautiful she is.

Get yourself together, Weasley.

~Sarah's P.O.V.~

I walked greacefully down the steps outside of the Great Hall. I felt like everyone was staring at me. With every step I took I felt happier, because Oliver was standing there smiling at me. I felt very pretty, to be honest.

"Wow. You look amazing, Sarah." Oliver said. I smiled.

"Thanks, so do you." He kissed my cheek. I turned to Harry and waved happily to him, and he smiled back, and mouthed 'You look beautiful." and I smiled.

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