Chapter 59

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Ron's POV

Her beauty literally stops my breathing. She is wearing a white dress with a feathery like bottom to it, and a black belt goes across her slim waist. Her blonde hair is in soft curls that bounce on her shoulders. She walks gracefully into the Great Hall with Seamus on her arm, and everyone's eyes on her.

Girls want to be her. Boys want her.

But I am the one that truly loves her.

"Wow Harry, your cousin truly looks extrodinary." I hear Luna whisper to him.

"I know, she does." he pauses. "But you'd think, for two people that love eachother so much, I don't understand why her and Ron aren't together." I hear him whisper.

I sigh. Did he really have to just say that? Does he know that Sarah doesn't love me anymore! C'mon!

He looks over at me with surprised eyes. He goes to say something, but is interrupted when Lavender stands in front of me.

"Wonnie." she says angrily.

"Yeah?" I ask, looking up at her.

"Who're looking at?" she asks, tapping her foot roughly.

"Um. What?" I ask, trying to make her calm down.

"You were looking at Richards, weren't you?" she yells.

"And why would I do that?" I reply bitterly, lying through my teeth.

"Because you love her!" she says, alittle too loudly.

"Luna, we should go." I hear Harry whisper. They both get up.

"Lavender, please, just stop." I get up, wrapping my arms around her waist. "I don't love her. Its you that I love."

She presses her lips to mine, and all I can taste is the sweet taste of strawberry lipgloss. She grins into the kiss and twirls her fingers in my hair.

Once we pull away, she pulls some of her curly hair away from her face. She pulls me into a hug. "I love you Won-won." she whispers.

I fake a smile at her, but nothing feels right. I wish I could just feel something for her, so I don't long for Sarah every second of the day.

Or I wish that I could just replace Lavender with Sarah. Seamus can have Lavender, besides, they've snogged already. It's no big deal, right? But I just want my Sarah back.

Her and Seamus dance happily on the dance floor. He can't take his eyes off of her beautiful crystal blue ones, and I look down, actually feeling tears forming in my eyes. I quickly blink them away.

"Ron, can we talk?" Lavender asks me.

I look up at her. "Uh, sure."

She gently grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the Great Hall and into an empty corridor. She sits down at a window seat and motions for me to sit there.

"Why are so weird tonight?" she asks.


She sighs. "Stop. Just stop. Why do you do this to yourself?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I state honestly.

"You know exactly what I mean. Why do you just stare at her all the time? You should know that she is over you, and will never love you," she grabs my hands. "But you love me, and you know I will always love you. Let us just be happy together, like fate says we should. Stop lying to yourself that you still have feelings for her, because it is just a lie. You just think you do because she is with someone else, but that feeling will end, I promise you."

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