Chapter 21

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They have a plan for me? Brilliant. Last plan they had me do was to get their Mum to let them go and buy a dragon. It involved me throwing myself down the stairs, then demanding to only be taken to the hospital via dragon. Lets just say, I ended up with a broken wrist and they didnt get a dragon.

I rolled my eyes. "And what would your plan be?" I asked.

"How about-" Fred started. Oh great, they are talking twinny again.

"-you go-" George continued

"-away for alittle bit-"

"-to remind Ronniekins-"

"-of how much he-"

"-loves you." George finished.

"What do you mean?" I asked, now being very confused.

"It seems like he's taking advantage of you being here." Fred said. He looked at me like I was an idiot for not getting what he was talking about.

"He's too used to you being around. You gotta ignore him some, or even spend every night out late." George explained.

Oh, I get it now. Cut his time seeing me in half, or even less. Show him that he wont get me whenever he wants. He wont get to hear my laugh, or see my smile as often. He wont get to stare dreamily into my hyptonizing blue eyes whenever he feels like it. Remind him why he loves me. But what about me? I dont want to not see him.

"First off, what do I do? I don't get to see him then. It's a bad thing for both of us." I raised an eye brow. "And who am I supposed to hang out with late at night? Hermione and Ginny can't stay up late, and Harry will yell at me if he finds out."

They looked at eachother.

"Do you really think we spend out nights sleeping?" Fred asked. I smiled. I know they sneak out pratically every night. "What do you guys even do?" I asked.

"Well, we mostly go to Lee's and talk about products for our business." George answered.

"Business?" I asked.

"Harry gave us his prize money for winning the Triwizard Tournament." Fred said.

"With that money, we can start producing products. We're gunna sell out of the house and then build up enough money to buy a store." George finished. I smiled. I have an idea for them, but I will get into that later.

They stared at me as I pondered their offer. Ron usually kisses me goodnight every night before bed. So, what would he do when I am not home? This would also make him kind of jealous though..Hm..

"So," I started. Then I smiled. "What're we gonna do tonight?" I asked. They exchanged some grins and then smiled at me. This is going to be a fun night.


Sarah has been acting weird lately. She has been saying I love you a lot. I mean, I know she loves me. Why does she keep saying it?

I was sitting in my room with Hermione. She was yelling at me for not doing my summer work. Harry's supposed to be coming tonight, the Order went to go get him.

I heard a creak outside and I knew that it wasnt Harry. The steps weren't heavy enough. Then, Sarah walked through the door.

"So whens Harry coming?" she asked excitedly.

"Dunno. Later sometime tonight." I replied.

"Oh, Ok." she replied. What's up with her lately? She kissed my cheek and said she was going to go downstairs and talk to Fred and George.

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