Chapter 47

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Sarah's POV

"Alright everyone, we need to focus this year. Practice isn't going to be easy, and we are going to follow Oliver's original plan; practice harder, longer, and earlier." I addressed the Quidditch team at the pitch. "We have to beat Slytherin as always."

Everyone claps at my little pep-talk, making me smirk. Then, Ginny steps forward and faces the team.

"And if any of you act like prats, I will hurt you." she says seriously, then walks back into line. I laugh softly, while the rest of the team stands there, scared. I glance over at Ron, then hear a very needy voice yell.

"C'mon Ron!" it yells. The curly haired girl beams a happy smile at me, then stares at Ron.

"Are you even dating?" Ginny asks him. I wait anxiously for the answer.

"No." he says flatly.

I smile to myself at this, then begin practice. We do the usual; take a quick fly around the pitch, stretch, then scrimmage. Ron is playing an amazing game, if only he just had more confidence in himself.

But it's great having Ron on the team. I can watch him carefully then, making sure no danger comes his way.

Also, I have a bad feeling about Draco lately. Whenever I see him, he seems to scurry off quickly. He's never in the halls, sometimes is late for Potions, and runs out of the classroom. It's very suspicious, I'm going to have to keep a tabs up on him.

"SARAH!" someone yells. It breaks me from my thought, and I turn just in time to duck away from the bludger coming my way. "SORRY!" they yell.

"WATCH IT PEAKES!" I yell to the beater, he nervously apologizes, and I just laugh to make him feel less bad. "Katie! Make sure you are open for Ginny to pass too!" I yell to Katie Bell, who is now a 7th year.

She follows my insturctions and continues on the drill. I go in and help out the Chasers, like I sometimes do, because the snitch doesn't show up until about 10 minutes into the game.

Then I get a great pass from Katie and fly past the beaters, dodging the bludgers coming my way. They are playing amazing defense, but my broom is too quick for them. I spin under Coote, the other Beater, and am right in front of the hoops. Ron is covering the middle, like he should, so I decide to test him.

I fake a throw to the left, but then throw it to the right.


It bounces off the inside of the ring and goes through.

That's 10 points for Gryffindor.

"Yes!" I yell. The Chasers start cheering, and the Beaters hang their heads, so I decide to fly over to them. "What's wrong guys?"

"You got past us." Coote starts.

"And scored." Peakes adds.

"So, you can't get them all, and the Chasers would be helping you on defense during a real game. You guys did good, really." I say with a smile. They smile back and I go over to Ron, to see if he is okay.

"Hey Ron." I say, pulling up the top of my broom to stop in my place.

"Hi." he says bluntly.

"What's wrong?" I ask, slightly concerned.

He glances at me, then looks back towards the castle. "Nothing." he says, emotionless.

"Ron, talk to me." I say, gliding alittle closer to him. He then does something that surprises me. He moves farther away. "Ron?"

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