Chapter 64

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Sarah's POV

(Song time :D It's such a cute song!)

He takes his hands off my eyes and I gasp at the scene in front of me. A picnic blanket is spread over the orange and yellow leaves, with candles spread around and a charm that has red roses in an arch over it. The petals from the roses cover the edges of the white and blue blanket. A silver tray with two glasses is there, filled with what I think is pumpkin juice.

I bite my lip and smile, looking down. A tear escapes my eye as Ron leads me over to it.

We sit down on the blanket, our hands still interlocked with eachother. The sun glimmers dimly above us, painting the sky with swipes of orange, purple, and pink.

"Ron, I can't believe you did this." I whisper, trying to contain my emotions.

"Why always the tone of surprise?" he jokes. I laugh softly and look at him.

"I love you." I whisper, kissing him softly on the lips.

"You promise?" he whispers back when we finally seperate.

"Of course." I smile.

He takes a deep breath and pulls something from in his pocket. He hesitantly opens the lid, revealing a silver band with a square cut aquamarine, which is my birthstone, set into it.

"Promise me, that one day, you will say 'I do'." he says quietly.

I gasp, my heart suddenly stopping. Butterflies flutter uncontroably in my stomach. He stares through his cerulean eyes at me with anxiousness and hopefulness, and I can't help but smile.

"Only," I pause to take a deep breath. "If you promise to say it back."

He smiles, and exhales the breath he must have been holding. "So, it's a promise?" he asks, already knowing the answer.

I hold out my pinky and smile. "Pinky promise."

He shakes his pinky with mine, and then takes the promise ring out of the box. He carefully slips it onto my right hand ring finger, because that's for when he proposes.

"You don't know what you just got yourself into.." I joke.

"Oh, don't worry, I know. And I'm prepared for every bloody bit of it." he jokes right back, kissing me passionatly on the lips.

And cheers to a happy birthday.


Sun beams through my window on the morning of May 8th. It has been about a month and a half since my birthday, and trust me, I have been asked a lot of questions about the ring.

"No, I have not been propesed to. But yes, Ron did get me a ring." I tell everyone.

I just ignore all of their quesitons. Even though its hard, I do it. Because I don't care what they think at all, IT'S JUST A PROMISE RING. Geez.

Okay, to be honest, I somewhat like all the questions. It makes me feel like I have something that no one else has, which is someone who loves me so much, that they are not trying to ruse things by proposing but wants me to promise that one day I will say yes when he does. I know its weird, but it's true.

"Harry, what are we going to do?" I ask him.

By the way, I was just told by him what happened with Tom Riddole, AKA Voldemort. Harry said that Slughorn told him how to become immortal, without using me.

And speaking of that, Dumbledore said that I should be in hiding. He also said that I will not be forced into it, but he highly advises that I do. Apparently, Voldemort is searching for me, and Bellatrix was really never out to kill me, just torture me until I was weak enough to give into her, and because she likes to torture me, or she would use the Imperio Curse on me. Which she did...

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