Chapter 88

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AN: I still didn't keep up with TVD/TO but I think this letter was awesome to Caroline (see the video)

Caroline's POV

After what Enzo said, they all start to hang out and Damon just did is best to get drunk, I guess he is like he was before I went to the prison, this thing about Elena really make him be down.

Klaus went to Jessica who served him a glass of champagne and he drink all of if in a second, I walked over to him to know what was upsetting him.

"What's upsetting you?" I asked him concerned.

"Nothing. Everything is fine..." He said but he showed me the contrary.

"Nik, is this about my friends? Yes, they don't like you very much but that doesn't matter, I love you and I want to be with you. Do I care about what they think? Yes, because they are my friends. Am I going to stop being with you just because they don't like you? Of course not. Please don't be like this." I told him cupping my hand in his cheeks.

"Why did you never told me about Enzo? There's clearly something between you two..." He said jealous and I try not to laugh, without any success. "What's so funny?"

"Just you being jealous... There's no need to feel like that about Enzo or any guy, I love you and I just want you." I said, he looked at my eyes, searching if I was telling the truth (he thinks that I still didn't realized that), then he smirked and kissed me with passion.

"So... Are you ready to tell everyone the big news?" He asked with a smirk and I quickly nodded with a smile.

We went to a place above everyone and Klaus make a sound with the glass of champagne making everyone turn to see him and one of his minions stop the music.

"Goodnight everyone!" Klaus started with a smirk and I smiled. "In this party, I and my beautiful Queen gather in this party, the people we more trust, our family, friends and allies... We have a very important announce to make and we wanted that you would be the first ones to know. Love, do you want to do the honors?"

"Of course." I told him with a smile then I looked at everyone and said. "Like you all know, Niklaus and I are together for some time by now, and some of you also know that we decided to make the bonding ritual after awhile of being together." I said and then hold his hand, smiled to him and look back to everyone. "We loved each other very much and a few months ago I... We found out that I'm expecting..." I said and put the other hand in my belly. "We're going to have twins, a boy and a girl and this party is honored to them, the heirs of the throne of New Orleans." I concluded with a smile and everyone was silent in shock, then Bonnie start to applauded and then everyone start to the same.

"To the future heirs!" Klaus said raising a glass, everyone did the same and drink, then I kissed Klaus and when I broke the kiss I noticed that everyone was applauding us making me blush then we get back to the place we were before the announcement.

When Nandi appeared and gave us the congratulations, I saw my friends making me signs to talk to them, I told Nik that I needed to talk to them and then walked over to them.

"Hey guys!" I said with a smile.

"Please tell me this is not true." Stefan said and I gave him an apology look.

"How is it possible, darling?" Enzo asked just with honest curiosity.

"When 2 people of the supernatural world are soulmates, they can reproduce even if they are vampires." Bonnie said making everyone look at her. "I kind of knew the news already but it was not my place to tell about it."

"Caroline you can't have those... Things. They are from Klaus, they are going to become monsters and they will put all of our lives in danger. Even if you are the mother, she will always have the Mikaelson gene and those things are going to be monsters. You should get rid of those things as soon as possible." Tyler said with no emotion. I know that he hates Nik but I never expect him to be like this when he got the news.

"Jessica?" I called her that was passing now by us.

"Yes, Mrs. Mikaelson?" She asked (she just called me like that when there was people around because we kind of become good friends and she just called me Miss Caroline and was like this because of Nik)

"Call Richard." I said and she nodded, then in a blink Richard appeared.

"You can go willingly and never talk to me again or come here again or we can make you go the easy way or the hard way." I told him.

"Let me guess the hard away was this big guy throwing me out of your little stupid party."

"No, that's the easy way the hard way is me throwing out and make sure you will never come back again." I said with a scary face and he quickly went away.

"Any more comments you would like to share?" I asked everyone.

"I hope you be very happy, even if it's not me the one who's by your side." Stefan said and I gave him a small smile then we hugged.

"Congrats Blondie! Finally you made a guy be stuck with you." Damon said and I gave him a death glare. "Just joking. I actually am happy that you're realizing your dreams. Wherever Liz is, I'm sure she's very happy and proud of you." Damon said with sincerity and I hugged him.

"Congratulations darling! You deserve being happy... And in the future when your son will want to try to pick up some chicks he can always come to me." Enzo said with a cocky smirk making me rolled my eyes and then I hugged him, then the rest of the gang congratulated me.

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