Chapter 25

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*C's P.O.V.*

Something's wrong with Patrick. He's too distracted to even focus on his performance and I know that this is definitely not him.

I immediately made my way to the backstage and asked to give the guys a three-minute break, fortunately, they did. The moment the boys are backstage, I ran towards Patrick.

"What's wrong?" I eagerly asked him and he's already looking around like someone is watching us. The others have joined the conversation too.

"The drummer. Don't you see something familiar?" He asked and I'm afraid that he would ask that.

Since the time I bumped into him, I already got scared...this person might be the person that I saw last night, the old me. My breathing got shaky and I'm sure that my face got pale because they are now worriedly looking at me.

"You do see it, Chasity. Of course, because he's acting like...moving like Chase." He explained and the goosebumps hit me more.

"I agree with Patrick, but, so what? Maybe it's just coincidence?"

"He's been looking at us...suspiciously. I think this might be Matthew's doing, he's here to confuse us, but we're not falling for it. Just keep yourself ready. I think that person will probably do something soon." He seriously said, but I'm honestly not paying any attention to him anymore.

I'm already busy trying to think of a way to talk to that person, if Patrick is right...that person might have the perfect answers for my questions.

"Chasity! Stick with Allie and Elaine, okay?" Patrick worriedly looked at me and I mindlessly nodded at him.

Their stage manager i already calling them again and after that they walked back on stage again...and now it's time for me to make a plan.


*Patrick's P.O.V.*

I was beginning to think that I might be wrong about my intuition because the drummer didn't really do anything bad on stage, in fact, he even seems so happy and excited about playing there, but he just kept on glancing at us. Maybe I just became too paranoid for now?

"Good job, everyone!" I said while trying to act normally. I high-fived my friends and then I came to the point where I high fived our drummer for the night. "You're great out there." I honestly told him.

"Thank you. I'm a big fan of your band and it's an honor." He said it's just weird that he's still not removing his costume. "But, um, can I talk to you for a while? Alone?" He suddenly said and I can see the determination in his eyes.

My heart beat raced after that, maybe I really am right about him. I pushed myself to smile and nod at him and I saw his eyes lit after that.

"Hey guys, wait up, okay?" I told my friends as a warning and Pete gave me a reassuring nod. I'm sure they'll be ready to save my ass if I ever messed up.

Band Princess {A Patrick Stump FanFiction ~ Sequel to Band Prince}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ