Chapter 20

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*Patrick's P.O.V.*  

I don't know why I am driving this fast, but my instincts tell me that whatever's something serious and it's something that I should be nervous of. I keep telling myself to calm down, but it seemed impossible.  

Within five minutes, I arrived at the recording studio and I can already feel the tension inside of it. I took a deep breath and hurried inside and I swear it's been a long time since I tried so hard to comprehend something that I'm seeing.  

C is still here, her eyes are puffy red and she's staring blankly into plain nothingness while Allie was beside her, trying to calm her down. Wait, how did this two meet and why does it look like that they know each other?! The others, most especially Pete looked so confused yet pissed at the same time. It's been seconds since I've entered the room, but no one has broken the silence yet, I myself don't know how to break it...I was just silently standing there. 

 "Y-you're right...Patrick, you're right. I am her." C suddenly murmured with her cracking voice and I just stared at her in disbelief.

What the fuck did just happen? I've been trying to convince them for months and they keep on neglecting the idea of mine...but now that I've accepted the truth...they are now the ones who throws me this kind of thinking?! 

"Excuse me?" I replied because that's all that I can think of right now. 

"It's true. She's alive, Chasity...our Chasity...and she's C. I don't know why she's not remembering us, or how the fuck did this happened, but it did – 

"I've been telling you this for months and you all keep on saying no to me. Even the DNA test proved me wrong! And now, and now...what the fuck did you guys found out to say these things?" I answered them, I was frustrated again, but I'm really trying to understand all this. 

I found myself looking at C...or Chasity...or whatever! But she really seemed like a lost girl, she don't know what to do or think and I can see it through her eyes, she's so vulnerable right now and all I want to do is hug her.

"She told me something that only the real Chasity would know. I swear to God, only she would know that." Allie answered me with a sad smile while she continued to rub Chasity's back. 

So, it's true...she really is Chasity. I was right! All this time, I was right! I felt it, of course. She's just confused, she just forgot, I don't know how or why, but she did...the only thing that matters is, she's alive and she's with us. 

"C-Chasity?" I found myself already in front of her, looking at her straight in my eyes, yes, she might have this new face, but those eyes and the feelings between us is still something that I'm very familiar of. 

I slowly put my hands over her cheeks and Chasity made this giggling while crying noise and so did I. It's her, she's still here...and more important, with me. 

"I told you I'll prove it that it's really you." I whispered and then pulled her into a tight hug. 

Band Princess {A Patrick Stump FanFiction ~ Sequel to Band Prince}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang