Chapter 14

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*Patrick's P.O.V.*

"Here we are again, didn't expect that we'll be here sooner." Pete said while we're standing just outside of Chasity's house.

I was left staring at the door, maybe expecting that beautiful cheerful girl to open the door for us and welcome us inside her house. I was feeling my heart beating heavily against my chest again, but this time, I will not mourn. I will find a way to prove that she's still with us...alive and breathing.

I took the key to her house out of my pocket. Since the day that we learned that she's gone, I have kept this thing with me. Chris gave it to me saying that me and my band should be the one to take care of this house because she have acquired this because of us, and of course, I gladly accepted it. After her funeral, the others and I just did a minor clean up inside her house, putting over white sheets over her furniture, but we sure did left all her belongings the way it was left...and since then we've never come back here.

I walked towards the door and opened it, it creaked like it was a door in a horror movie. Luckily, it's still five in the afternoon so there's still some sun shine that gives us natural light to reduce the creepy feeling to this. 

"What are we waiting for? Let's get this over with and prove that she's still alive." Joe said while patting my back. We all entered the house and Pete was already sneezing, the poor guy's very allergic to dusty things. I walked over near him, giving him my handkerchief.

"Thanks, dude." he told me.

"No, thank you because even how pathetic I sound and look like, you and the others still got my back." I honestly told them and they gave me a cheerful smile.

"No need to be dramatic, Trick. We always got your back." Pete answered. "Let's stop wasting time, you know what to find." he added.

The four of us split up inside the house trying to find something that might have Chasity's DNA on it, but I'm already sure that I will find some of it in her hair brush. The others are just doing some minor cleaning around the place too because the interior of this house had not been touched for almost six months now. I decided to walk inside of her bedroom and I almost regret doing so. This is the place where we had that special night...that night when we just let go of other things to hold each other...say that we love each other and will do everything and anything to remain that way. I sighed heavily as I stared at the bed, gosh, if I only can hold her now.

"Soon, I know you're alive, and I will find you wherever you are." I whispered to myself and went back to search her things again. I opened her cabinet and drawers, finding all the things in the right places. Finally, I saw her blue hair brush and I just gave out a low laugh when I saw strands of hair stuck on it.

I took the blue hair brush and saw that there are a lot of her hair in there and I know this will be enough to get her DNA. I put the brush inside my bag, but I didn't leave her bedroom yet. I was stuck staring at the pictures that are placed in her walls, it was our pictures, pictures of her with some fans, with her brothers, and with the whole band. There are also pictures of her being Chase. I was looking at her in every picture and her smile never changes, it was genuinely stunning and I can't wait to see that again soon. I walked out of the bedroom, closing it behind, before going back to the others.

Band Princess {A Patrick Stump FanFiction ~ Sequel to Band Prince}Where stories live. Discover now