Chapter 7

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*Chasity's P.O.V.*

It has been a week since I have been with the boys and I can tell that I'm somehow making progress with what I'm doing. They hardly shout at each other now and I think they are slowly setting that past aside finally.

Elaine is also helping me with my job, most especially when it comes to Patrick and I really hope that soon we'll be able to make them whole again. I want to see Patrick and Elaine happy together since they look so cute and Elaine's really worried about him.

Elaine told me little information about the incident and I finally understood why the guys are acting like this....I just found out that the Chasity they know somehow died. Of course, I didn't ask how or why or something because Elaine cut the conversation almost immediately after saying that. All I know is that that Chasity is gone and Patrick's longing for her since the guy is in love with her...according to Elaine.

Maybe that's the reason why I can't feel the bond between him and Elaine, Patrick hasn't moved on yet and I can see that he's still in pain. But I want to believe that soon everything he'll be able to let go...I mean that Chasity will never come back, it's better to seize the present than to follow the past.

"Hey!" I felt someone tapped my shoulder a little harder and that pulled me out of my deep thoughts.

"Earth to C? Are you still with us?" Joe asked. We're currently inside the recording studio and fortunately, they are in the mood to think about their new song. I'm glad they're progressing too.

"Yeah, I was just sleepy, I guess?" I lied.

"Sleepy? Dude, you've taken a year and a half deep sleep and still you're sleepy?" Pete teased me and we laughed.

"Sleeping that long is tiring too, Wentz, and maybe frustrating too. Imagine, you've lost one and a half year...your memory has been blank for that long time." I seriously said and they all stared at me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it to get this too serious." He said with guilt.

"Don't think about it." I said with a smile. They continued to work and my eyes suddenly got a glimpse of Patrick who's just sitting next to me and weirdly staring at me. " there something wrong with my face, Trick?" I asked him. Patrick was startled and he acted busy again.

"N-nothing. You just sound someone I know." He explained while looking at a piece of paper.

"Well, the resemblance is really uncanny, isn't it?" I asked of all them.

I'm asking this now because I don't want them to deny it...I want them to accept what had happened. I don't want them to forget about it, I want them to accept what had happened wholeheartedly.

"What do you mean?" Andy asked innocently.

"Oh come on guys, I know I remind you of her." I said while smiling. Of course, I'm cautious with my words too, I don't want to shock them almost immediately.

"Of course, you'll notice. But yeah, it's really strange...I mean your gestures, your talent, and even your voice somehow reminds us of Chas-

"Stop." Patrick said with his low voice.

He's not even looking at us, he's just staring at the piece of paper on his hands, but I know he's listening attentively to all of us. Silence fell right after what he said, but maybe I can continue the conversation. He really needs to stop denying all of it.

"Why should we stop? We're not saying anything bad about her." I said to him.

"We had a deal that we're not going to talk about stop." He answered me seriously.

Band Princess {A Patrick Stump FanFiction ~ Sequel to Band Prince}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ