Chapter 8

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*Patrick's P.O.V.*

I stared blankly at her and my mind is not believing anything she is saying. I know this girl is just challenging me.

I lost control over myself and walk towards her, locking her against the wall with both of my hands at the side of her. She looks at me nervously, but continued to force herself to look determined. I don't know what's her problem, but I just want her to stop.

"Liar." I hissed at her and she smiled at me as a reply.

"Coward." She replied.

I was taken back by what she had said that the only thing I did was to look at her.

"I know you can do better than that, Patrick. Yes, I may not know you that well, but I do know that you're not in your usual please, stop. Help yourself like the people around you that helps you, don't ignore them most especially your band mates and Elaine. Stop hiding in the dark and accept what's happening around you now." She said calmly to me. 

I slowly backed down, I somehow saw her sighed in relief. I want to say something, I want to reply to everything she said, but it seems like the cat got my tongue.

"Think about the vacation, please. Be careful on your way home."

She began to walk back to our studio and I was left there...looking at her while she walk and the goosebumps appeared.

"Chasity." I whispered and I don't know if she's the one I'm calling or the other Chasity that I'm truly longing for.


"Trick, trust me. I almost called a paranormal expert the moment she told me her real name. The resemblance is creepy." Elaine said.

I told her everything that happened earlier and she wasn't shocked as I thought she would be.

"You already knew her name? Why didn't tell me?" I asked.

"Why would I? I'll bet you'll only say I'm lying and I'm challenging you or something." She amswered while putting a glass of hot tea in front of me.

I guess she's right with what she said, I'll probably just shout at her if she said that and I'll never believe that our new friend is named just like the person that we lost.

I took a sip of the tea, I'm really getting used with the way she make this...just like I'm getting used with her being around me.

"Look, Patrick, I'm not taking sides here, but Cha-...I mean C is right with what she said. We're helping you, we're not going against you ---

"I don't need any kind of help." I cut her off. I really don't want to feel like I'm in need of any kind of help or something.

"Of course, you don't, long as you're helping yourself accept it." She calmly said and again the words struck directly to my heart.

I just stared at my tea blankly and think for myself. I don't know..maybe they are right, maybe everything will be better if I accept it, but it's still hard for me to think about it.

To think and accept that she's gone and will never ever cone back.


*Chasity's P.O.V.*

I don't where I got my courgae to speak to Patrick like that, but I was glad that I did. Maybe I've put senase to his head finally.

I was just left alone in the live room and Andy gave me a go signal for using Chasity's drums, but I'm sure Patrick wouldn't like it. I was playing some songs when I noticed Andy outside.

"You're really good." He told me over the speaker and I kust continued.

"Just a hobby of mine." I replied to him.

"Hey, C. Tell me, you're really not a researcher...are you?" He asked imnocently and I messed up when I heard that.

"What? How can you say that?" I asked trying to calm down.

"It's obvious...a researcher wouldn't be that close to her respondents and your words, also the way you talk to us." He said with a proud smile.

"So? Can't I --

"You're more like a counselor, C." He cut me off and I stopped and looked at him.

I honestly thought thaf he'll be angry or something. As far as I know, people don't want to go to this kind of situation. Andy just smiled at me. I walked out of the live room and reluctantly sat beside him.

"You're a really good observant." I said to him. "They assigned me to your band --

"Thank you." He suddenly said and I stared at him. "The moment you came we've become happy again. We feel like we're accepting whatever happened and I know Patrick will too...maybe soon."

"You're welcome. I really don't do this as a job now, I'm doing this like a friend would do to a friend." I answered.

"I know, that's why its all effective. Just be patient when it comes to Patrick, he's still really fucked up."

"I know, but at least he's progressing to accept it...somehow."

"You don't know anything about thw reason why Chasity's not with us now, right?" He asked and I nodded at him. "Well, the only thing that I can tell you is that she was...she was killed. W-we're not able to save her that why we had difficulties to accept it. We're holding the unbearable guilt, but you're making us realize that we shouldn't, so thank you. But when it comes to Patrick...the guys holding the biggest guilt and regret and that's hard to let go." Andy explained and I stared at him in shock.

I didn't expect that Chasity was killed, that explains why they are like this, why they are so broken. My mind can't process the pain they muat have felt when that happened, most especially to Patrick since he loves the girl that was taken from him.

I honestly felt guilty for saying the things I've told Patrick earlier. I think I might have been harsh to him.

"Don't worry, I won't leave till you're all fine." I said while staring at the drumstick in my hands.

I wish I'll really make them okay
Not hope that Chasity's alive inside of me since I remind them of her.

{Thanks for reading!
OmG guys! Patrick's back on twitter, he ask for a Q&A last night!!! Let's all wish and hope that he'll be active again in Twitter ^_^}

Band Princess {A Patrick Stump FanFiction ~ Sequel to Band Prince}Where stories live. Discover now