Chapter 10

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*Patrick's P.O.V.*

C looked so lost the moment she woke up. I was the only one left in her room when she did and since the moment she opened her eyes, she's looking at me.

"H-hey, are you feeling okay? Look, I'm really sorry about hitting you earlier, okay? I'll go call the doc --

I was about to walk away, but then I suddenly felt her hand on my arm as if she was stopping. I looked at her again and she still has her eyes on me.

"Do I...Do I know you?" She asked and that question confused me so much.

"Of course you do, we already met like two weeks ago."

"No, not like that. Like...before that. I...I felt something familiar before when you're in front of me." She asked innocently and I just looked at her.

"I'm sorry C, but I think we've never met before." I answered and gave her a small smile. She somehow looked disappointed and let my arm go. "Maybe I just hit your head too hard. I'll call the doctor." I said before going out.

I went outside to get the doctor and several minutes later, we entered C's room again and she still has that lost expression in her face.

"How are you feeling, Ms. Parker?" The doctor asked ans my heart leaped when I heard that last name. I need to put in my head that this girl had the same name as the girl I love.

"I'm...I don't know. I feel...incomplete. Like somethings was taken from me and I can't even remember what it was." She said while looking at her hands.

The doctor and I went near her and I can really see that she's disturb with what she's thinking. The doctor run some tests on her and we stayed quiet the whole time. I was just noticong that she was looking at me once in a while.

I went out for a while and the moment I did, the others finally came and I filled them in with information about C.

"She said she somehow felt familiar when you were close to her?" Pete asked me.

"Yeah. It weird, I think she's confused." I answered them.

"Or our old Chasity might have possessed her." Joe suggested and I looked at him with a serious face. "Whaaaat? That's a possibility."

"Shut up, Curls." I told him.

I don't that really possible?

What am I thinking? I'm so helpless right, I'll believe in ANYTHING just to think that she's back and here with me.


"The doctor said I'm good to go. It wasn't a serious thing, he just told me not to hit myself in the head too often." C said and she playfully looked at me.

We're already settling down inside the plane which is going to Japan. C kept on insisting that we should continue to go there and here we are now.

"Hey, that was only an accident and I said I was sorry." I said with guilt and she laughed at me cutely.

"I was just joking, Stump." She said sweetly. She averted her eyes from mine and I know she's still disturb. She sat next to the window and looked outside.

"Patrick said you felt something familiar when he was close to you, C." Joe suddenly said. I and C looked at him.

"Yeah. Somehow, I don't know why, but I did felt something. Why?" She asked.

Band Princess {A Patrick Stump FanFiction ~ Sequel to Band Prince}Where stories live. Discover now