Chapter 51

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"Now, here we are with the world's most successful boyband, One Direction" the host of the show, Anne, announced and the audience applaud. Except for the ones behind, or should I say, the Directioners. They screamed at the top of their lungs and it echoed through the studio room.

"Now, now girls. Let's keep it down for a while" Anne chuckled and the screams lessened. "Much better" she said which made the boys chuckled silently as I smiled at their cuteness. I just want to giggle loudly but it might get awkward. Taylor's on my right. Eleanor and Danielle are on my left. Nikka and the babysitters are in the backstage.

"So boys, I see you have announced your Stadium Tour. How does it feel, lads?" She asked. Yeah, they announced that one the night after the pres conference. They weren't in the mood but George asked them to so, they didn't have any choice.

"It was great, actually. It is so exciting that we could finally perform in stadiums." Niall answered. "Ooh... And I see that the tickets for the first countries are already sold out. Wow, must be some fans you got." "They prefer the word Directioner." Louis smiled. Awe, the guy seems so respectful and sassy-less.

"And, why is that?" Anne asked.

"I don't really know the exact reason but the Directioners are more supportive than our regular fans." Louis replied and it made the directioners scream more as they waved their banners up in the air and some are... crying? Well, that's something.

"Awe, that's so sweet" Eleanor cooed beside me. "I also love those directioners but sometimes, they get a little too cranky." 

"And that's a warning!" Danielle smiled beside her. 

"A warning? Why'd you warn me?" I asked.

"You're Harry's girlfriend and everyone thinks she" Eleanor paused and secretly pointed at the blondie beside me who's on her phone, again "is his real girlfriend. Directioners are the most amazing stalkers because they get things correct and they can follow them wherever the boys are so you guys might as well be careful."

"If Directioners see you hanging out in the park, starbuck, or wherever you may go, you guys are toast!" Danielle finished

"Woah" Is all I can say. Directioners are powerful! "They're so supportive!" I laughed a bit then gave my attention back at the interview.

"...-or Swift?" Anne asked. I didn't really get the first words.

"I-" Harry trailed off and gave the other lads a look. They just shrugged so Harry went back to Anne, the interviewer.


"Why don't you bring her up here?" Anne said cutting Harry off. "Come, Taylor." She smiled at the person beside me. Taylor gave her a gentle smile but I can sense the fakeness behind it. She stood up from her seat then went to the platform. 

"A-Ally, Nikka asked you to go backstage." I heard Eleanor say then I looked at her as she slid her phone back in her short shorts.

"Why didn't she text me?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know. Now, go!" She said as she lightly pushed me. I slowly stood up and leaned a little so that I won't disturb the people behind.

I went towards the empty aisle and asked the guy who works for the sound system where the backstage door is located. 

"You go towards that hall then to the left. You can see a door there that leads upstairs towards the back part of the stage." 

"Thank you"

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