Chapter 23

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Is it just me or are the boys haven't gone on twitter in a very long time now???? I MISS THEM SO MUCH! I haven't heard much of them lately!!!! I haven't heard much of Niall since the wedding incident...

anyways, ENJOY READING! :D

and sorry if there are any wrong grammar, wrong punctuation marks and wrong spellings... I'm tired of editting!!!!



"uh, why did you lock the door?" I asked Nikka who just turned the key and placed it in her pocket. This girl got some serious problems.

"I just got one question..." she said as she sat beside me on my bed.

"what is it?"

"you like Harry, don't ya?"

"What the fish? what kind of question was that?" I asked, not wanting to answer.

"It's a question that you need to answer... so tell me!"

"ew! what on earth makes you think that?"

"because I haven't seen you acting like this before. You're not always like this..."


"come on!!! just tell me?"

"WHY???" I don't know what to say! I only like the kid a little bit. BUT IT'S NOT SOMETHING WE SHOULD ARGUE ABOUT!!!!


"Why should I?" I asked, grabbing the guitar near my bed.

Yeah, Niall left this when he and Harry visited...

"Because this is a matter of LIFE and DEATH! If you want to live, answer the dang question!" She yelled as she held the guitar and starting pulling it away from me "Let go of it and let's talk!!!"

"Fine!" I lessened my grip. She placed the guitar on the floor then stared at me waiting for an answer.

"what am I gonna say?"

"Do you like Hazza?" her eyes widened and I can totally see the eagerness in her eyes.

"If I say no, What are you gonna do?"

"Well, I wasn't expecting for you to say no... I'm sure you'd say yes!"


"Because it's pretty obvious, babe! I have already seen you mad, sad, happy and scared! I haven't seen you having a crush on somebody and I'm sure that's it! It's Harry!!! Although you act a little like that to Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam. But with Harry??? COME ON!!!!!" she yelled to the top of her lungs.

"Fish Sticks, Nikka! Quiet down! SOmeone might hear you!!!"

Although I'm not sure about Harry being my crush. It's just embarrassing when someone might hear us!!!

"So, you do have a crush on him!"

"WHAT? I didn't say that!!! Or did I just say all that out loud?"

"Yes babe! YOU DID!!!"

"But I said I'm not sure..."

"Well! Atleast there is some little feeling right there!!!" She said, pointing at the upper middle of my breast valley.

"SHUT UP!" I said blushing, grabbing the pillow and hid my face as I drop the rest of my body to the bed.

"Awwe, you're blushing! I haven't seen you blushing since you got embarrassed when we were in middle school and that Valerie chic got you---"

Book I. Screwed Up (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now