Chapter 32

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hallah!!! okay, I got nothing for this Author's note and stuff... So, back to the story!!!


"So, is everything all set?"

"Yes, Nik!" I exclaimed.

"you got your purse?"


"extra tampons?"

"ew gross but yeah"

"make up?"

"uh, yeah?" I hesitated trying to sound convincing.

"Urgh! Ally! You just don't wear eyeliners and mascara for this!" she exclaimed.

"I don't wanna wear blushes and eye shadows and lipsticks and such!!!"

"Come on!!! Just for this once!!!"

"Once? Sorry to say this but I always use them for my photoshoots!"

"Exactly! You wear them during your photoshoots! You should get used to it!"

I rolled my eyes in defeat and went close to her to let her apply make up on my poor little face.

"See? You look absolutely fine! You look freaking gorgeous!"

she squealed with a big smile on her face. I hesitantly gave her a fake smile and was about to say something when the sound of the door bell caught my attention.

"I bet it's Harry... good luck on your very first date and have fun..." she winked and gave me a smile.

"But not too much fun!" Terence yelled from the kitchen We both laughed and she accompanied me towards the door.

"Hello milady!" Harry greeted and winked at me with a cute cheeky grin.

Gosh can't he lessen his adorableness???

I hope this is going to be obe fun night.

And, no, not that kind of fun.


It is almost 8:30 in the evening and I'm already on my way to get my girl. I'm feeling very nervous!

This isn't my first time... But still, I'm feeling nervous.

Okay, this is it... I'm finally on her driveway.

I'm finally out from my car.

I'm finally on the door carpet.

I'm finally ringing the doorbell........

"Hello, milady" I greeted and winked at her plastering a cheeky grin on my face as she opened the door.

"Hey!" She giggled and stepped out from the door frame. Her cute red floral dress matches her black wedges. Her hair is in a braid which is called fishtail, I think and her face is in a natural make over.

And how do I know all these stuff? Well, I hung out with Gemma, Eleanor and Danielle once. And it was horrible! It was so girly.

"So, where are we going?" she asked, tilting her head up to face me. I stared unto her eyes deeply for a while before uttering a word.


"Have you ever gone to the city park?" I asked.

I opened the car door for her. She thanked me and slid herself inside.

"Well, I've always wanted to go there." She said as she buckled up her seatbelt.

Oh, searbelts... It's like an embrace from safety.

"Good. Because we're heading there right now."

I started the engine and drove us to our destination. I clicked the radio on with my free hand and there played Taylor Swift's "Today Was A Fairytale"

"time slows down... whenever you're around...." She sang the part and it really explained my situation when I'm with her. This night will be truly magical. Well, I hope it will be. I'll just keep my fingers crossed.

"Woah!" Her mouth flung open as we stopped on the parking lot. The purple designs that were being placed by Eleanor, Danielle, Stephanie and May are bright and it looks really romantic. Well, too romantic for Ally.

"It's really beautiful..." she added.

I just chuckled.

We both entered the park. We went straight to the table prepared with a sheet, plates, candles and a little vase with a pretty single rose. I pulled the seat for her and pushed it a bit before her bum could land on it. I also took my seat and opened the basket with goodies near me then pulled out a tapperware of hot spaghetti and a bottle of red wine.

I placed the spaghetti in the middle and the wine beside. She made a confused look and her gaze is still locked to the wine.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"What's that?"

"It's... it's just a wine."

"I... I don't drink stuff like that." She pouted. I gave her a grin and she made me eager to let her drink atleast a glass of it.

We all ate our food and I started pouring each of the glasses some wine.

I nodded at her and pointed at the glass full of the alcoholic drink motioning for her to take a sip of it.

"I don't think so..." she said and she slowly moved the glass away from her.

"Come on, babe! Just one sip!"

"I don't want to..."

"Fine, what am I gonna do to make you drink it?"

"Hmmm... Let me think..." a thinking sign was plastered on her adorable face and she pouted her lips making her look like she's really thinking of something. I swear, I would really love to capture this moment. I slowly pulled my phone from the pocket of my navy blue blazer, opened the camera and then it flashed in front of her face.

"HEY!" She glared.

"What?" I asked trying to look as innocent as ever.

"Delete it!" She exclaimed.

"Delete what?" I asked again, still trying to look like I haven't done anything.

"You just took a stolen picture of me, Styles! Delete it!" She insisted.

"Only if you empty that glass of wine!" I smirked. She groaned in defeat and I made a little victory dance. She rolled her eyes and stared intently at the glass. She hesitantly touched her lips on the glass and slowly raised it to pour some amount in her mouth. Sge made a loud gulp and faced me with a disgusted look on her face. And I again took a picture of her.

"HARRY!" She exclaimed.



I am very sorry fellas! I know I didnt update as soon as I arrived. Turns out the camp was really tiring! And I made amazing friends and I just realized that I miss them so much already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even met a new older brother. haha! I don't know why... There's also one who thinks I'm his mother! What weird people.... tsk3... I am very lucky to meet them!

Love lots,

-Aliistyles (just get used to my new codename stuff... haha! I am so loving it!)

Book I. Screwed Up (Harry Styles)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang