Chapter 48

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Reads. 4000+. what. the. fudgeballs.

Why. OMG. I. can't. believe. it

I. love. you. people.

thank. you. for. your. wonderful. incredible. and. amazing. support.

you. make. me. absolutely. terrificly. happy.

best. readers. ever!

you. guys. make. me. fangirl

And. I. love. Ashton. Iwrin. and. Harry. Styles.

They. also. make. me. happy!

Seriously, I belong in many fandoms already! 




"SURPRISE!!!" I jumped in surprise as I flipped the on switch of our new house and everyone just jumped out of the couches and dining table.

"woah..." I said in a very confused tone. "What's going on here?"

"Well, we- I mean, they got you a surprise!" Nikka smiled innocently at me. Maybe a little too innocent. You can see it in her smile. It's totally fake. 

"You're a part of this, are ya?" I asked in a bored face and monotoned voice.

"Ally..." Eleanor started "We just want you to know that we love you! What Phil said about you, it's all not true. You're really important for us! You help us in enjoying our lives. And you fit in the model industry, hun."

"Really?" I said, my face brightened up and my eyes again went teary. What the, what is it with me and crying in almost every second of every day!? Gosh!

"Thanks, guys!" I said and everyone went in and made a huge group hug, including Niall and May. Don't forget Kendall!

"well, what are we waiting for? Let's dig in!" Niall yelled and went to the table filled with different kinds of meat, salads and sweets. I didn't even notice them when I got in!

"Hey! Ladies first!" I yelled and went towards Niall. My saying failed because he still won't let me get my food first. 

After eating and stuff, we were havinga movie marathon. I sat beside Harry, Kendall is on my right and Nikka is on Harry's left. Stephanie, May and Liam are on the floor. Louis and Eleanor are on twitter so they're on the seperate chairs. Niall and Zayn is on the other couch.

"wait, what is this movie called again?" Zayn piped.

"Wreck it Ralf!" We all said in unison.

"Chill..." Zayn laughed and rolled his eyes. Wow, this lad has a sass in his veins! Cool.

I was enjoying the movie and noticed Harry's hand slowly intertwining with mine. I just kept it simple and moved mine with his. I laid my head on his shoulder and felt him vibrate a chuckle. "What's wrong?" I asked in a low voice so that everyone won't give us their attention. 

"I just can't believe this." He said gesturing his hands to both of us.

"Believe it, Styles. Because I can't either." I said smiling. 

I just can't believe it! We're finally official. After all these stupid and worthless drama. And he's a celebrity too! Woah, how did this happen? 

I mean, I was nobody before! No one liked me! Everyone always looks at me and say 'oh no, not this potato again.' Even the boys say 'ew, what is that? somebody poke it with a stick'.

Book I. Screwed Up (Harry Styles)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora