Chapter 8

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Hello my pips! ^___^ Summer is almost here! It means... All my updates will speed up... Well, not exactly fast but, well, faster than this week.

Finally! Classes are almost done! 


I hate headaches.


okay, okay... I'm so random but, whatever! 




"Good,  good! Now, do another post!" The man with the camera said. Or should I say, the camera man. Haha!

"Great, perfect! Now last one!"

We're doing a photo shoot for advertising a product. Ever heard of Mabeline? Yeah, that's the one!

"Okay. Your shift is over. Head towards your dressing room. We got something for you. It's more like a welcoming and congratulating present. Anyways, thank you for your cooperation." She left and I headed towards my dressing room. I stripped this uncomfortable and what they say 'fashion'-ish clothes and wore my usual clothings (Sweatshirt, skinny jeans and converse! Yehey, converse!) 

I saw the 'present' that the woman left. A box with a white cover and red ribbon. Oh, how adorable.

I opened it and there, I found 5- inched black heels, a tight, backless, purple top and short shorts. 
WHAT THE!?!?! I don't wear this shitty stuff! It's uncomfortable and it makes me feel weird! WHEN WILL THEY EVER LEARN!?!?

I kept my hair in a messy ponytail, grabbed my bag and the 'present' and headed towards the apartment.

 I wonder how Kendall and Nikka are doing?


Well, we all got to know each other better. Niall loves food and Nandos. Harry is some sort of a flirt. Zayn is vain. Liam is sooo responsible. Louis loves carrots. and... okay, that's everyone...

I think everything will turn out great...

30 minutes later in their flat...

"LOUIS! GET DOWN FROM THERE! YOU'RE BREAKING THE TABLE! NIALL!!!! PICK ALL THOSE WRAPPERS UP!!!! HARRY! PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK! LIAM! WHAT THE, TOY STORY!?!? AGAIN!? YOU'VE BEEN WATCHING THAT MOVIE 13TH TIME TODAY! COME HELP ME WITH YOUR PALS!!! ZAYN! GET IN HERE! LET GO OF THAT MIRROR!!!!" I shouted and shouted and shouted and shouted again and again and again! Babysitting is hard! URGH!!!!! These cute idiots are immatures! 

"Calm down, Nik! We'll clean their mess up when they get to sleep." Kendall said sitting in the couch with Liam...

"I'm not gonna let them hurt themselves!" I said. Then turned to Louis "LOUIS! DON'T EAT THE CARROTS! I'M GONNA COOK IT FOR DINNER!"

"No way! Carrots are mine!" He said then ran upstairs towards his room. 
"Eeeww! Carrots for dinner?" Niall said.
"What?!?! Carrots are yummy!" I said.
"YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!" Louis shouted from his room. 
"Just GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!" I shotued. And.... it's no use. He really locked himself in.

I walked near the door and wobbled the knob violently.
Then I felt someone hugging me from behind.

"What the--?" I faced the person. "Zayn! Let go! Go wash up or something." I said trying to struggle from his hug.
"I'm tired!" He exclaimed.
"Of course you are! Watching yourself in the mirror for almost like three hours is really tiring." I said.
"No, it's not." He said. I rolled my eyes.
"Just let go!" I shrugged. And still no use! Gawd this boy is sooo strong!

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