Author's Note and Stuff like that

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This cruel world is torturing me again! why????  

- It's freaking illegal for the boys to date 13 year old girls. They don't date girls under 18 because they can be sued. Even if it's a 16 year old! And I'm turning freaking 16 on the next 8 months!!!

- The freaking twitter doesn't allow me to tweet for the next few hours because of this freaking tweet limit thingy!!! I was busy voting for the lads! when it suddenly popped up from nowhere! Stupid twitter -_- 

- So now that I can't tweet from my account for the next freaking hours, I used my brother's (@B3B0Ynanual)... And as i was clicking the word 'tweet', it freaking stopped. AS IN ALL OF IT STOPPED!!!! This laptop is stupid! -____-

- Harry ignored my tweets when he was OnLine...

- I always eat when I get bored. So now, I think I'm gaining weight from eating all there carbonara and drinking all this Melon shake!

- I still need to go to school on Monday so that I can get my clearance signed. URGH!!!! 

Okay... so that's enough problems for one SUMMER day... 

And it's mainly about One Direction!!!


Go tweet #KCA #VoteWhatMakesYouBeautiful, #KCA #Vote1D #KCAUK #Vote1DUK...

One Category per tweet and always use the #KCA before every vote.

more than 2 hashtags won't count...

PLEASE TWEET THESE!!! If you want to see your future husbands up on the KCA stage with the 'I-love-our-fans' look on their faces, NO HESITATIONS!!!!! TWEET AS FAST AS YOU CAN! AND BEWARE OF THIS STUPID TWWET LIMIT! THEY ARE SOOO ANNOYING! Let's show them how proud we are!!!

Love Lots,

-Alison xxx ;) 

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