Chapter 38

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After the awarding night, One Direction and their close friends went to a private restaurant to celebrate their wins. The celebroties that came are Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran, Rita Ora, Big Time Rush, Tay-whore Swift, woops! I mean, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Simon Cowell, Katy Perry and one of my idols, Cher Lloyd. The rest of the management are also here. The securities already guarded the place so there weren't sone paparazzi around. The Directioners are being themselves, they're waiting outside the place shouting the band's name. Good thing there's music to cover up the noises outside! 

"Whoo! Let's get this party started!" The DJ yelled through his mic and everyone cheered. They gathered around the dancefloor jumping and dancing like there is no tomorrow. 

"Come, Ally! Dance with us!" Danielle and Eleanor pleaded as they were on their way to the center. "I'm not in the mood..."  

"Oh,well, suit yourself!" They yelled and went dancing.  

I just laughed at the two and leaned back at the counter. "Need any drinks?" The bartender asked. "Yeah, er, anything strong please?" I answered. What was I thinking? Oh, well...  

"Here you go ma'am..." He said placing a glass of whatever this is infront of me. "Thanks!" I answered. I stared at the drink inbetween my fingers thinking... should I?

I can't even drink a wine...

But they say when I get drunk, my problems will go away. I'm not so sure about that though.

Only one way to find out! 

I slowly raised the glass and drank it. I hurriedly swallowed it, not bothering to let my tongue savor the bitter flavor. I felt stingy and it's kinda chilly hot. The drink is cold but once you swallow it, it's hot. My face was scrunched up but I still need more. "More please!" I said and he nodded, doing his bartending stuff.  

"What are you doing?" Niall approached me and sat beside me. We're still on with our deal with Taylor and Harry. Speaking of the two, where are they?  

Before my mouth could open and ask the leprechaun, the bartender came and placed my drink infront of me. "Thanks!" I said once again and took the shot. "Ahhh...." I exhaled and felt that stingy hot feeling when I swallowed it.  

"Do you know how strong that is?" He said with a worried face.  

"Come on, Niall! Loosen up!" I feel like I'm high... Like, I don't care about the surroundings anymore. I need more drinks! "three more!" I said to the bartender. The management's gonna pay for this anyway so, who cares? 

"Here you go, ma'am" The bartender handed me the drink I ordered and I immediately took one shot. Then the other. "Stop it..." Niall said grabbing my hand, preventing me from taking another one. "Why would I stop?" I asked. But I wasn't mad. I was smiling. "You're drunk..." He said grabbing the drink from my hand and drank it. "Hey! That was mine!" "WAS yours..." He said smirking and I just laughed. 

The two of us ordered for more and we were really drunk. Being drunk is so fun! 

"Hey, where's that stupid couple anyway?" I asked, remembering our deal. 

"I guess they're on their way!" He said and took another shot.

After minutes of drinking and being drunk, I spotted the bitch and the dickhead on the entrance door. Harry's eyes were looking from left to right like they were finding someone. His eyes stopped when he spotted me. I just stared at him for seconds then looked away when I noticed that I have been staring at him.  

I couldn't control my eyes and they were again back at Harry's direction. I then caught Taylor whispering sweet nothings into Harry's ears and she was smiling seductively to him. Harry noticed my gaze and decided to play with Taylor along. And again, I couldn't control myself. I stood up from my seat feeling really pissed and annoyed. Niall noticed me and also stood up beside me, Harry's eyes still on our direction. Well, two can play it that game! 

Thinking randomly, I grabbed the collar of Niall's polo, pulled it and his lips crashed to mine.


I know it's a short chapter! Just wait for the continuation.... on... er, the day after tomorrow... Thanks for reading! VOTE! COMMENT!!!!!!!

Savan Kotecha followed me! I was like fangirling and stuff. Good thing my family were asleep. Or they would think that I've gone mental or something!

Well, isn't it great? Someone that One Direction knows followed me! AAAHHH!!!

*fangirling mode* 

I love you all!!! :*


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