Author's Note and Stuff like that

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Sorry... I know this isn't a chapter of the story...

I, again, made a new account for twitter because, again, it got suspended... WHY!?!?!?!?!?! 

I should've read the rules and violations! -___-

So.... my new, official, real account...

----> @AlisonJStyles1D <----

not @alisonjanstyles... not @AlisonNStyles1D...

but @AlisonJStyles1D


Follow, Okay?!??!?! PLEASE! Thanks ;D

I hate you twitter but I can't live without you!

also follow this person: -----> @B3B0Ynanual <-----

and this one: (Sorry Steffi for not telling you. It still got the same password and username ;) And I don't know if you're reading this though...)

----> @ormocdirectioners <----


 And here's Steffi's account... LOL

----> @immisssteffi <----

LOL this isn't a even an Author's note anymore. It's a commercial for usernames... or shout out. 

Anyways, please VOTE for all the chapters... All you have to do is click... just clicking a few times that's all!

And also comment your comments about my story.

And FOLLOW! WHAAAA!!!!!!!!


Love Lots,

- Alison xxx ;) 

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