Chapter 14

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baby you got me sick... I don't know what I did... need to take a break and figure it out... yeah...

AAAaaahhhhh!!!! Last Song Syndrome!!! can't get it out of my head!

Anyways... here's chapter 14... HAVE FUN READING!!!



"get out, get out, get out of my head... hmmmhmhmhmhmmmm..." I sang and hummed the lyrics of my 'friends's' song. I don't know but I can't get it out of me!!!

"I don't, I don't, don't know what it is... but I need that one thing and you've got that one thing" I continued singing while combing my hair in my dressing room. Then Eleanor's head popped up from the door frame.  

"I see... You're getting ready for your photoshoot..." She grinned.  

"Nope" I said popping up the letter p. "Just finished it." 

"Then why are you wearing those clothes? Aren't they for your photoshoot?" She asked.  

"Girl, I said I'm done with the photoshoot... I'm just going to change after combing my hair." I said as I placed the comb near the mirror.  

"Hey, don't leave just yet, wait for my photoshoot to be over then let's go hang out in Starbucks or something... PLEASE?" she said inserting the puppy dog eyes.  

"fine... I'll just go and change. I'll meet you at the studio." I said then she winked and went outside.  

I stripped the tight clothes and wore the tank top, which is kinda fitting, skinny jeans and high heels. I'm not gonna wear my usual boring clothes when Eleanor is around!

I grabbed my shoulder bag, tied my hair into another messy ponytail and went out of my dressing room.

I walked inside the studio where Eleanor is.  

She's really amazing. It's like she's really made for this job. Her body fits in modelling. She's my idol!!! My best friend is my idol. Hahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Stupid Idol... She still didn't tell me who the fish sticks is her boyfriend!!! GOSH! And why does she have many fans?

"Hey, Ally!!!" She said, running towards me near the door. "Hey, Ellie!!!" I smiled.  

"Come with me to my dressing room. I still need to change..." She hurriedly pulled my hand and dragged me towards her dressing room.

"Woah..." I thought. Her room is beautiful. Quite messy but it's nice. A little bigger than mine and she got a flat screen TV hanging on her wall beside the closet! Not fair!

"Get out girl! I need to change..." She said.  

"Fine..." I pouted and went outside.

I waited and waited until I hear footsteps coming this way faster and loads of girly screams and camera clicks.  

"That way!" A deep, tenor voice said.

Then I saw 5 teenage lads running in the hallway and a group of fangirls behind them... 

"What the Fish---" I was about to say my usual Fish Sticks swearing but a curly friend of mine carried me over his shoulder and the five of them went inside Eleanor's dressing room.  

"What the fish sticks was that Harry?!?!" I asked him as he placed me down on the ground as his friend locked the door.  

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Eleanor cheered. She said as she was finished tying her hair at the side. I think she just finished changing.  

Book I. Screwed Up (Harry Styles)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora