Chapter 25

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Hello, hello I know it's been a while but baby... Just kidding it has been hours... LoL 

And you... You should feel sorry because I started writing this at 1:30am... yeah, that's right AM!!! MORNING!!! 1:30 in the morning. Just an hour and a half after midnight...

And it's funny because the song that I am listening to right now is Up All Night. And it's on shuffle... Coincidence? Yep, coincidence... such an incredible coincidence...

Oh... the joys of being me...

And Lisha, like I said, I will annoy you in my every update!!!! I love you, girl!!! 



"FISH PASTE!!! IT'S SO BORING!!!!" I yelled, breaking the silence that filled the store. The yells of the noisy fangirls outside doesn't count. 

"Wow, Ally... You improved your curses about fishes..." Eleanor laughed. Yeah, real funny... 

"you know her fish sticks terms?" Louis asked with a surprised look on his face. 

And, duh! Of course she knows it! I say that all the time! 

"She surprisingly say that when like, something goes wrong or something. Her mouth automatically blurts out those words... And it's really funny..." Eleanor answered with a playful smile on her face. 

"Hahahahaha!!! Really?!" Stephanie laughed along with May. 

"Yeah, like this one time when the studio was completely dead silent then Ally accidentally dropped her phone and she suddenly said 'Fish Sticks' and everyone laughed. Even our managet laughed even though she wasn't that type of person" Eleanor continued. And it was true though... Natalie released a few laughs before going back to texting. 

"Thanks, El. Go! Spread the news to the world!" I said in a bored tone. 

"Really? Can I?" She asked. 

I gave her a glare that says 'seriously?'.  

"I can start with these crowd outside of the store..." She pleaded.  

Gosh, El... I think the poor girl doesn't know what the word 'Sarcasm' means.

Then everyone fell to the floor, laughing leaving me confused. You can really see it in my face. It is really scrunched up.

"What?" I asked. 

"You are mean!" Eleanor pouted. 

"What? What did I do this time?" I asked looking so innocent. 

"I clearly know what sarcasm means!!!" 

"Oh, so I said that out loud?" I gotta stop doing that. I might accidentally spill out the information I feel on liking the curly haired lad.

And nope, I wasn't saying that one out loud, thank you!


"LIAM!!!" I shouted. 

"What?" He moaned. And if you ask me what he's doing, he's laying on the floor beside the display of black leather ahoes. Yeah, nothing much. 

"Did you call Paul!?!?" 

"Yeah! I did..." He answered as he slowly got up from the floor. He leaned on the wall beside the display and sat peacefully, staring at the tiled floor. 

"Then where is he???" 

"I don't know!" He groaned.

"IT'S BORING! Let's play a game!" Louis suddenly yelled.and got up from the floor. Him and Eleanor.almost fell asleep sitting blankly on the floor. 

"Sure... what kind of game?" Zayn asked. 

"I don't know. I can't think of anything!" he yelled once more then he turned to Stephanie and May. 

"Any ideas, girls?" He asked.  

"All I can think of is truth or dare." Stephanie said, still staring at the the floor. 

"What about dare or die? That way, everyone will pick dare." Harry laughed. 

"Truth or dare is so last year!" I exclaimed.  

"It's dare or die, love" Harry corrected. 

"Nah, same thing!"

"I AM STARVING!" Niall yelled and rubbed his stomach in a circular motion.  

"Please, you're always starving!" May said, rolling her eyes. 

Niall sent her a death glare and stuck his tongue playfully at her.  

"Immatures!" I heard myself mumbled silently.

"COME ON PEOPLE!!! LET'S PLAY A GAME!!!" Louis yelled and jumped weirdly like a kid who's mom confiscated his toy and not giving it back. 

"Why don't we just act some play to entertain the fans out there." Zayn suggested. 

"That's not such a bad idea!" Eleanor grinned.

"Okay, gather around everyone. We gotta plan which is which.... We need to decide who goes well to the character. We need some props and costume to go with it." Louis demanded as we all got close to him, making a group circle. I hope these crowd get what they wanted.



Look, I'm tired and it's already 2:15am. So, just wait for an update tomorrow. or the day after tomorrow.

And Lisha, I'm still waiting for the picture thingy... And I love you so.much for supporting.


Lol, I sound like a person from a TV channel.

Don't you dare forget to




It just consists of 3 mouse clicks and a few keyboard typing... It's not that hard... 

Love lots, 

- Alison xxx ;)

And I'm listening to They Don't know About Us right now. Just sharing......... ILY all SM!

follow me on Twittah! (@alisonjanstyles) 

Book I. Screwed Up (Harry Styles)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang