Chapter 12

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Hello my pips!!!

Here's Chapter 12!!! ENJOY!!!




"Nikka!!! Nikka! Niiiikkkaaa!!!" I heard someone shouting my name.

Then I felt something heavy on my stomach. Then I felt it move.

It really scared me. I sat shocked and my head bumped into the person's head.

"OWW!!! Fish sticks!!!" a girl with a long, straight, black hair squealed.

"Ally!!! What the eff?!?!?" I yelled at her.

" Stop yelling Nik! my head hurts!!" she tried to massage it

"Well, it's not my fault!!! You were sitting on me!" I yelled again "And what's with the 'fish sticks'?!?" I added.

"I don't know..." She shrugged.

"What time is it anyway?" I asked as I sat up from my bed.

"1: 28pm..." she answered still sitting on me.

"WHAT?!?!?" I automatically stood up and she fell on the floor.

"Ow! Son of a fish stick!" She exclaimed.

"Seriously, fish sticks?" I asked ignoring the pain I caused her.

"Just, help me up!" She reached her hand then I pulled her up.

I glanced at my watch. 1:30...

"SHOOT!!! I'm freaking late." I muttered.

"I thought it's your day- off.." she stated.

"Oh, yeah..." I laughed at my stupidity then sat on my bed.

"Wanna eat?" she asked.

"Yeah... sure." I stood up then headed downstairs.

We both ate some pizza from last night and made some iced tea.

"DING DONG!!!" the bell rang.

"who could that be?" Ally asked.

"Maybe it's Terence since he's not here." I answered.

"But he got a key..." She stated.

"KENDALL!!! get the door." I yelled.

then he came down from upstairs holding a remote control. He's probably having a movie marathon in his room.

"KENNDAAALLL" two familiar voices cheered. One Irish and One Raspy.

I went near the door and...

"NIIIKKKAAA!!!!" I face palmed myself.

"Harry! Niall!!! What the hell are you guys doing here!?!?" I shouted at them.


"Harry! Niall!!! What the hell are you guys doing here!?!?" Nikka shouted at the door.

"Who's there???" I asked behind her.

Nikka moved a little and I saw two gods in front of me.

The blonde one is perfectly adorable. His ocean blue eyes matches his hair. His red polo fits his body really well. And he looks good on those shoes.

The curly one's green orbs are so beautiful. I feel so cold watching his eyes. It's just like I have been hypnotized or or something... He dresses very simple. A white V- neck shirt and skinny jeans.

Book I. Screwed Up (Harry Styles)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora