Chapter 52

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Hello motherferkers. Kidding, I love you, okay!

People are all like 'aw, please update' and they are like 'reading your story right now' and then their votes and I'm here like 'OMG! OMG! OMG! People are reading my story!'

Lol, I'm not really expecting for someone to like my story that much. I was just like 'nah, no one will read this anyway so, who cares' but then you readers came and OMG, I love you people so much! You make me cry! You are the BEESSTT!!!

You guys really make me fangirl a lot! Hahaha! So, thank you everyone for reading my story! I really appreciate you appreciating my story! And when I was like 'i'm putting this one no hold' but then people are like 'aw, i hope you'll update soon' and some when I updated that author's note for my other story some are like 'aw, it's not a chapter'. So I was like 'OMG, they really like my story' then I would fangirl and I'd clap my hands like a weirdo and my breathing becaomes uneven. 

So, thank you so much guys! And thanks for adding my story on your reading lists and for voting and for commenting! ILY!



"M-my dad? Wait, what?" I exclaimed as my eyes widen. He is my father? The man who tried to snatch my boyfriend away from me to give it to some blondie? The man who manages the world's biggest boyband? The man who manages 'Modest!'? The man who gave me death glares during that pres conference?

George's eyes went teary and a single drop of tear went streaming down his cheek.

"You're my daughter?" He asked, now, facing me. His hand held my shoulders then travelled from there to my hands. He kissed the back of my hands lightly as more tears streamed down his face. "Oh my god, I thought I will never see you again!" He whispered but loud enough for us to hear.


"Boys, show time!" I was cut off by a man with some headphones and papers which caused the lads to break from their thoughts and turned to him. "Minutes?" Liam asked. "Three minutes and 38 seconds" He answered. "We'll be there" Zayn said.

"Coffee!" Niall said and grabbed one of what Nikka was holding and took a loud gulp. Isn't it hot?

"Ally... My daughter." George said once again making my attention go back to him. He released my hands from his gentle grip then looked deeply at my soul making me feel secure. Like all the other fathers. I can really sense that he is my own flesh and blood, my own father, my own DNA.

(A/N: *Zayn magically appears* "Buy DNA on iTunes!" *Zayn magically disappears*)

"So, y-you're my father?" I stuttered, not quite sure about this certain incident. Why is he my father all the sudden? And if he really is my father, then why did he leave us? And why is he One Direciton's manager?

"Yes. Yes, I am! And oh, how glad am I to see you again after so many years!" He smiled happily with tears of joy and hugged me surprisingly. I smiled and hugged him back. It might sound surprising but I miss him. And he really changed! His small beard, his hairstyle, his voice got deeper, his muscles are harder and I didn't remember that he could be this tall.

"Oh, dad! I miss you!" I said through teary eyes. Oh no, not again eyes! Please stop!

"It's time boys!" The headphoned man said again and the 5 lads went out of the backstage and waved to the audience which, again, made the directioners go wild. Come on, it's just a simple wave!

Book I. Screwed Up (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now