Chapter 44

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Holy crab cakes! That did not just happen! 

Ally bursting in, Phil being the villain, the gunshot, the guard on the floor, bleeding and Ally chasing after Phil towards only god knows where.

Everyones inside the lobbey are still panicking. But there aren't any cops around.


I need to call somebody. I need to call my friends. I need to call the lads, Nikka, Kendall, Stephanie and May.

I sprinted towards my dressing room and went towards my bag, searching for my phone.  

I finally pulled it out and started dialing Louis' number.


Everyone is quiet today. Taylor just went out to buy clothes and make ups, again. 

Nikka just stood beside the counter in the kitchen doing absolutely nothing.  

Kendall just sat with Zayn, Stepanie, Louis and Liam on the couch watching football. 

May sat on the very end of other couch and Niall sat on the other side. Oh love birds. 

I just sat on the staircase staring at my blank phone.

If only Taylor didn't come to ruin everything, Ally and I would be the most perfect couple! She didn't have to cut herself! That was horrible! She was all bloody and dull. I want to erase that image out of my mind but it won't. The body of the girl layed down in her room looking so pale and lifeless.

"hello?" I heard Louis say. I looked up to him with his phone near his ear.

"Ally?" My eyes grew bigger upon hearing her name. I stood up from where I was and went towards him. I snatched his phone leaving him confused but he didn't react normally. I mean normally, he would yell at me sassily and demand to have his phone back.

"Hello!" I said sternly through the phone.

"H-Harry?" I heard Eleanor's cracked voice. She's crying. "Ally... she.. She went and"

"Tell me where you are?" I yelled to her making her wince.

"I... I'm at my dressing room!" She said. I hung the phone up and gave it back to Louis. I grabbed my coat and went outside, towards my car.

"And where exactly are you going?" I heard Nikka from behind. I turned to her and found everyone standing right behind her.

"I'm going to Eleanor. Something's wrong. You guys coming?" I said trying to sound like normal. But I really feel so worried.

They all nodded and we all went towards Eleanor.


"Babe?" Louis poked his head inside his girlfriend's dressing room. I rolled my eyes and pushed the door open wide and it revealed a crying Eleanor sitting infront of the mirror. You can tell by the smudged make up

"What's wrong?" Louis asked, kneeling near her.

"Ally. She chased Phil." She said holding her tears.

"Who's Phil?" Zayn asked blankly.

"Phil kidnapped her aunt and brother a-and h-he shot the bodyguard and..." she said stuff and cried at the same time. She was cut off by Louis' embrace and she continued crying on his shoulder.

Wait, Ally? Her brother and aunt? Kidnapped? This can't be serious!

"Where are they?" Nikka and I asked in chorus.

"I don't know" Eleanor answered through sobs.

"We gotta find out where she is or she'll be a dead meat! We need to-" Nikka started saying but she paused and stared at the ground like she just thought of something. "Her phone. My tracker!"

I felt so relieved. So happy. I can't explain this feeling but I like it. "Hurry! Track it down!" I demanded. She nodded and pressed stuff on her phone.

"I got it. She's still driving, I guess."

"What street?"

"Uh... I can't read it." I rolled my eyes and grabbed her phone trying to read the tiny font. I finally figured what street it was and dragged everyone out and into my car and El's.



hey, sorry, it's short. Haha!

anyway, thank you everyone for reading! YOU GUYS ARE INCREDIBLY AMAZING! When I saw that my news thingy and I saw people liking some chapters on my story and I was like "OMG! Is this true?" And I was like fangiriling and i was so happy and my parents are all like "stop it." and my brothers are all like "1D again?" and my sister was like nothing because she is still 7 and she probably doesn't know anything about fangirling and shrieking.

And my life is really funny! I'm chatting with some people here in wattpad, trying sooo hard to write english in a correct grammar only to find out that the person can talk in Tagalog! (Philippine language). I was laughing so hard and it was an incredible coincidence. And now I'm chatting with this Filipino on twitter using tagalog only to find out that she can speak Bisaya (much easier Philippine language). Isn't it weird? Oh, life!

I'm really happy about Niall all excited about the Where We Are tour. I was freaking fangirling! Ha!!! I just love that Irish leprechaun!

And... my aunt got a friend whose last name is HIGGINS! I bombed her with questions and I was like interviewing her stuff.

okay, I love you all!



PLEASE???? thanks ;*


and oh, FOLLOW ME ON TWITTAH!!! (iheartharry69) yeah, changed it again! Don't complain! Instead, just love! ;) haha! 

And my icon is moving... haha! 


Don't judge. I just love how it moves. So fast and quick. It feels good.

Now that just sounds kinda... weird.



Love lots,


Book I. Screwed Up (Harry Styles)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora