Chapter 4

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Here's Chapter 4, my pips!!! I hope you enjoy ;) 


"Hey! Ally, Terence, you guys okay?" Kendall reached for us as he stepped outside of the taxi cab carrying all his suit cases. "I heard what happened to your auntie." he said.

"yeah. It was horrible." I sighed. "Well, the good thing is, you got the tickets!" He tried to cheer us up.

"Yeah. well, I don't think these tickets are going to help me cheer up. I just lost my one and only true friend." I smiled weakly. "What?!?!? Excuse me! What about us?" Kendall coughed."Oh, yeah! Hahaha! You too." I pointed at him. "What about me?" Terence said. "You too Big Raisin" I smiled. "haha, you know how I felt when you showed us the tickets. OMGEE! I was super excited! I just felt like it was yesterday."


"Let's go tell Kendall and Nikka! C'mon!" He grabbed my wrist and ran towards my computer in my room.

He typed in my username and password (I can't keep secrets!) 

He clicked on my two online friends, Nikka and Kendall.

"Hey Ally! 'sup!?!?!" Nikka yelled. "Hey Allyson! Wait, why the sad face?"Kendall added. "Sa-sad?!?! What do you mean sad? I'm happy, see? haha!" I faked a smile. "I see. so, what is it that you want?" Nikka asked. "These." Terence showed them 5 tickets from here to England back to back.

"WOAH! REALLY?!" Nikka shouted. "OMGEE! I already told my mother yesterday and agreed! I can't wait!!!" She shrieked.

"Yeah!" I faked another smile.

"Yes! I totally can't wait guys!" Kendall cheered.

*(-------end of flashback----------)*

"Uh, it was yesterday Kendall..." I said. "oh yeah." He grinned. Hahah! I love his stupidity! It's embarrassingly adorable! Not that I fancy him! He's kinda gay- ish though. He's my best friend! 

"HEY GUYS!" Nikka came rushing in. "Hi Nik!" We all said in chorus. "So, how're you feeling?"  

"what do you mean?" I asked, curioused. "you know. your auntie." she answered.

"Wait, why do you guys know about this anyway?"

"oh yeah, I told them about it when you excused yourself last night." Terence said with a guilty face


"Yeah, uh, will you excuse me for a minute. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I stood up and went towards my destination.

"Okay." Terence replied.

(-------end of flashback---------)

"Oh, well, okay." I just nodded. "You sure it's fine?" He asked me again. "Yeah, it's cool." I smiled. "Wait, wheres Jane May?" I asked, not knowing that I said her name wrong. "Jessie May." Terence corrected. "Yeah. that. Where is she?" I asked. "Oh, her parents won't allow her."

"Well, that's sad." I'm a great Liar, don't you think? I don't like That girl. I think she's a bad influence for my brother. She's an annoying bitchy whore. OOPS! I apologize! My language is always like this when I'm talking about someone I hate. And I hate that Jane May. I mean Jessie May!

"Yeah. Shall we go then?" He asked. "Where?" I asked. I keep forgetting things! "TO THE AIRPORT! DUH!" He messed up my hair, knowing that it annoys me. I just smiled an annoying smile at him and said, "Oh, yeah..."

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