Chapter 11

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It's time to throw all the stress. worries, textbooks, ballpens and other school- related stuffs away and enjoy reading my story!!!!

Well, ENJOY! ^____^



"Yeah... I don't eat much because I gain weight easily." I said as Kendall laughed and Stephanie giving me a look saying 'i totally understand'.  

"still, you need to eat more. It's unhealthy not eating enough food" Niall argued.  

"I told you already! I easily gain weight." I argued back. 

"Well, then you gotta start working out!" He said as the other lads nodded in agreement. 

I rolled my eyes and let out a chuckle. Like, the heck?!? I don't do work outs!!! just kidding. i work out SOMETIMES...

"You can come with us tomorrow morning. We usually go to the gym on Sunday mornings..." Liam added. 

"So, wanna hang out with us tomorrow, babe?" Zayn asked.  

"Uh, sorry to say this but Sundays are our day- offs..." I stated. 

"Oh, then I guess some other time, love." Louis said taking a bite of his carrot.


"What about you guys? interested on going to the gym tomorrow?" Niall asked which made me blush.

I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE HOW CLOSE WE ARE NOW! I mean, look at us! Only one meter apart!!!  

I wanna scream!!! I really need to express all my fangirlings out of me without them watching me. 

I really can't hold it in!!!

"I- I don't know... May?" I faced her then followed by the lads. And it really made her blush.  

"S-sorry... i, I mean, we really love to but it's our grandma's birthday tomorrow. " she stated.

SHOOT!!! I really forgot!

"oh yeah..." i nodded.

"ooOoOo" Zayn yawned. 

"Tired already?" May asked.  

"uh- huh" Zayn nodded. 

"Then go to bed!" May said still smiling. 

"Okay... Well... Bye!" He said then went upstairs. 

"So... I guess we're going... It's 8:30pm so, our shift is over! Ta- tah!!!" Kendall said while pushing Nikka out of the door. "Bye!" All the boys except for Zayn waved goodbye.  

"Uh, we also... need to, erm... yeah" I rambled and finally dragged May with me outside their mansion.

"Bye" All the boys except for Zayn said at once.

When we're finally away from their mansion which is is actually near our house...

"AAaAAAAaaaaaAAaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAaAAAAaaaaaAAaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhh!!!!!!" We both shouted and jumped up and down... 

"I can't believe it!!!" She shrieked.  

"Me too!!! OMGEEE!!! They were right in front of us!!!" I shouted at her. 

We were both so weird. Shouting in the middle of the dark street jumping up and down like little retarded kanggaroos.  

"ONE DIRECTION WERE IN FRONT OF US!!!" We both shouted in excitement.  

"Can you believe it?!?!?!??" we calmed a little. Our hearts are beating so fast from containing all the fangirling inside us.

"okay- okay, so we finally bursted out all our fangirling... Let's walk home, shall we?" I said. 

"Yeah..." I said, still smiling like an idiot "I also need to loose weight" she added.  

We just laughed then continued walking.


My time at the park with El is quite fun. Well, except for the fan girls and picturing parts. 

I am still wondering who that 'Louis' guy is...

I went back to our apartment and that's where I found Nikka doing curl- ups and Kendall watching the T.V.

"Hello!!!" I greeted.  

"Oh, hey Ally! How's---" Nikka stopped her work- out and stared at me with her eyes wide open.

"Oh my Gosh, Ally! You look hot!" Kendall yelled.

I looked down at my clothes and I really forgot that I was wearing this bitchy present that the woman at work gave me. I gave a chuckle and pointed at my attire. "What, this?"  

"Yeah.. You look hot girl! Where'd you get that?" she grinned. 

"It's a gift from the woman at work." I answered. She just nodded "Keep that up!" she winked then went back curling up.  

I rolled my eyes then went inside our room to.change.

I grabbed a white t- shirt and some sweatpants.  

I semi- jogged downstairs while tying my hair up into a messy ponytail.

"Hey! Terence not here yet?!?" I asked heading towards the fridge to get some water. 

"Nope!" Kendall said popping the letter 'p'. 

He's still watching the tv.  

"ohhh... " I nodded while drinkingmy glass of water.  

"So, you're worried?" Nikka asked as she sat near me in a kitchen counter.  

"uh, no... I'm already used to him getting home late... It's his normal arriving time. I'm just wondering where he's---" I was trailed off by Terence at the door frame. 

"'sup?" I asked.  

"nothing... Just got some pizza for ya!" he said while placing the food on the counter.  

"yum!" i yelled and ran towards it.  

"don't eat them all, babe!" Nikka exclaimed. I rolled my eyes then munched on my food.  

"How's work?" She asked.  

"Well, I finished some photoshoots and My friend and I went to a park. That's why I got home with some bitchy clothes." She nodded like she's paying attention.

I just laughed then asked her, "how's One Direction?" I asked.  

"Well, they're hot!!!" She smiled and I just laughed at her comment.  

"Why do they need babysitters anyway?" i asked narrowing my eyebrows. "because... they're such immatures..." I just laughed then bit my pizza.


Hey my pips! 

And I thought all these school problems are finally over. I still need to do my clearance and experiment sheets.

Well, at least the tests are over! My mind was about to blow!!

I gotta celebrate my last day being a junior student! I'm sure I'm gonna miss this!!!

love lots,

-Alison xxx ;)

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