xx. smells like amortentia

Start from the beginning

"Because it sounds like you. Politicize, scapegoat, propaganda..." The man said with a small smile, "Just... don't get yourself killed."

Andrew shrugged and took the last sip of his tea, not seeing anything wrong with his words. He was never one to keep silent about injustice. Ever since he could remember he was standing up for those who were being unfairly treated. He even got a S.P.E.W badge from Hermione.

"Rory really is your daughter," Remus shook his head with a chuckle, "Wait... do you hear that? I think they've stopped."

"Thank goodness." Molly smiled, "Any second now Mundungus will get here. Sirius, can you find Tonks... she keeps running off — oh are you serious?!"

A heavy rock tune entered the house.

Andrew smiled, "Fine, I'll go talk to them." The man walked up the steps of the creaky house and approached the room, which was shaking from the loudness of the music coming from the inside.

He knocked loudly and after a few seconds, the music had turned down. Rory opened the door, looking embarrassed.

"Hello!" She said in a high pitched voice.

"I'm here to make a noise complaint... on behalf of Mrs. Weasley." Andrew said, raising an eyebrow. "Didn't think Nirvana was your taste though." He was referring to the current song playing from the radio. Smells Like Teen Spirit.

"It's not..." Rory shrugged, "But it's theirs," she jerked her head towards Fred and George who were still pretending to play instruments along to the song.

Andrew nodded, "Well, if you'd like to keep jamming, a simple silencing charm will surly do the trick."

Rory shook her head, "It's fine, we're getting a bit tired anyways. That last song really drained us, ya know? Is there a meeting soon? Can we go?"

"If it were up to me, you could go but... everyone else thinks it's a bad idea." Andrew sighed, "I'll get you all when it's time for dinner."

"Alright... thanks anyways... Dad." The girl said, almost shyly. She closed the door and Andrew could no longer hear the music. He shook his head and joined the other members of the Order downstairs.


THE TRIO SAT CROSS LEGGED on the floor of Fred & George's room surrounded by cauldrons and spell books. Every few seconds there was a pop or explosion that was quickly cleaned with a short worded spell. The music still softly played in the background, Rory occasionally would sing or hum along.

Harry had given the twins his earnings from the Triwizard Tournament, which meant they finally were in the financial position to start up their shop. However, many products still needed to be developed. Their focus for the day was Rory's idea of the Love Potion.

"So, are you just going to sell these in little vials? Or is there some sort of variation?" Rory asked, looking around.

"Ah we have several kinds you see," Fred pointed out.

George nodded then said, "But all have that one thing in common. You know what that is Rory?"

The girl shrugged not knowing there was an answer, "The drinker falls in love?"

"Nope," the twins said simultaneously.

"They all have pearl dust! And when you smell it, it'll radiate the scent of your true love!" Fred said, pulling out a piece of parchment. "We've got Cupid Crystals..."

"We have Kissing Concoctions. Which Rory, I would stay away from." George grinned and winked, "and of course Beguiling Bubbles and Twilight Moonbeams!"

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