"I don't know what to wear" She was already dressed. She was wearing a long military print button up that went to the bottom of her ass. Her jeans were black and they had slits in the knees, paired with a pair of wheat Tims. Her jewelry was a gold MK watch, and a gold Jesus cross around her neck. She got box braids recently, so her hair was pulled up into a bun. With gold studs in her ear.

She shook her head and pushed me out of the closet. "Sit down and shut up" I smiled and skipped over to my bed.

It took her a minute to get my clothes ready, but she managed. I stood up and looked at my outfit. I had on the same kind of outfit Mya had on except it was a plaid print shirt. My hair was down. Grabbing my phone and my large black MK purse, I grabbed my keys and went downstairs. Mya was standing by the door while texting on her phone. She looked upset.

"What's wrong?" She shook her head. "My mom won't be visiting this year. She has to go to Paris for some business thing." Wow.

"She won't even be here for Christmas?" Shaking her head again she responded. "Nope. But she's sending me money and gifts so I guess that makes up for it" I shrugged my shoulders. "Who's driving?" She raised her hand. Tossing her the keys I left the house.


Going into the front of the mall, I sat down at one of the tables. We sat there for a good ten minutes before Mya started whining. Tired of hearing her whine, I texted King to hurry the hell up. Going into my purse, I ate my fudge dipped granola bar.

"King's here" Mya said blankly while looking at her phone. How the hell did she know he was back there? I didn't turn around though. She got up still with her face in her phone. "Lexi's at work. I'm about to go visit her" I nodded and she walked away. As soon as she left, King came and sat down. He leaned over and kissed me.

"What you want?" I asked him straight up. He looked at me confused. "What you talking about?" I rolled my eyes.

"You told me to meet you at the mall in the food court" He squinted. "The hell are you talking about?" I pulled my phone out and showed him the messages. Shaking his head, he denied the fact that he sent those messages. I shrugged my shoulders. We sat there talking for about five minutes, then he started shuddering and looked like he was panicking. The fuck?

"Yo, calm down" He looked away from me. I turned around to see what the hell he was looking at. I turned my head and saw some light skin girl walk past me. I looked past her and continued to look behind me. I saw nothing. Turning back to Kingston, I saw the girl that walked past me leaning on King's shoulder.

"Babe, who's she?" Babe? The fuck is going on? I think I know what's going on but I'm not sure. I continued to look at the girl and she became familiar.

"Don't call me that" King snapped at her.

"I'm Mercy, his girlfriend. And you are?" She smirked.

"I'm Layla, his fuck buddy" With an emphasis on "fuck"

Oh Layla. The one that played my best friend, and my so-called current boyfriend. The Layla that fucked my so-called current boyfriend and my best friend, while she was dating my best friend. That Layla. OK.

I looked dead at him and he put his head down. I knew he felt me staring at him because he didn't look up. "It's nice to meet you. Can I talk to you King? In private" He nodded and stood up. "Excuse us. It's nice to see you again" I smiled and held out my hand. She shook it. I walked away and went towards the restroom hallway, where King was.

I stood there across from him staring at him. Yet again his head was down. "Hold your fucking head up. You wasn't looking all guilty when you was fucking her, don't look down now" He slowly picked his head up and looked away from me. I got in his face.

"So you stepping out of our relationship?" He looked down at me with a blank expression. "Man..."

"Man what? Speak nigga." He waved me off. I nodded my head. "Aight bitch. We done. Dumb ass hoe" I tried to walk away from him until he snatched my arm and pushed me hard into the wall. I had a throbbing pain in my right back shoulder.

"Don't EVER disrespect me" I looked at him crazy. Snatching my arm back and got buck. God please forgive me for the words that are about to come out of my mouth. "Who the fuck you think you talking to? I think you forgot who the hell I am. Don't get that shit twisted. You disrespected me by stepping out and sticking your dick in that girl. And you gave me a fucking spit shower, dumb ass. Swallow your fucking spit. Excuse my fucking French"

"Man fuck outta here" He waved me off, again. That's all the fuck he got. Aight. I'm done" I walked away from him. I turned around. "Oh and I'm keeping the chain you bought me. Dumb bitch" I fixed my hair in the reflection of my phone and walked towards Foot Locker. As I was walking I was talking to my belly. "Baby I really hope you didn't hear that. If you did, don't ever say those words or I'm gonna whoop your ass"

I saw Mya standing at the register talking to Lexi. I walked over to them. "Hey Indigo" I rolled my eyes at Lexi. But not because of her brother, because she called me by my middle name. She chuckled.

"Girl. Let me tell you what your brother did"



While typing this I was making all sorts of facial expressions.

Yet again. These NIGGAS ain't loyal.

Update soon!

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