Chapter 34 Change in plans, again.

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The air show was in full performance. Aircraft flew across the valley in and out of formations. As Nikki would say, oh crud, he thought while hovering just north of the park. Well, here goes nothing. He flew east. One act landed, another was taking off so he decided to fly northeast for 15 or 20 blocks and then finish the distance due north.

He almost made the first leg of his journey when he gained an escort. Six Imperial Airguard craft surrounded him. He looked to his left and just about dropped onto the craft below when he recognized StarChaser Cruise Lines Chief Navigator Mitche seForrik. seForrik nodded and pointed to the right. Navigator Jessa Crane gave Niel a short wave and pointed ahead. After traveling a few minutes, he realized they were heading for his parents' home. One craft at a time, his escort landed on the street. Jessa stopped directly in front of the house and Niel touched down on the front walk. She sprang out and the two ran into the house with the other pilots following. When they were in the hall, she told him.

"The Alliance leadership decided to get your family out of here to VilMarc. We commandeered the craft not involved with the air show. They were on alert to look for you anyway, so it was perfect."

"What happened to the pilots? Are they still—"

"Alive, yes, Senvalle made sure of that. We were just going to pick up your family and if we found you fine, if not keep going. Your timing as usual was perfect."

"Niel, is that you?" Nani came around the corner. She dropped the roll she was holding as she jumped forward and about knocked Niel over with a hug. "Mami, Papi, she yelled, "Niel is home, with friends, I guess."

She looked closely at the others in the hall. "Jessa, Navigator seForrik, why are you dressed as guards? You two are not guards either, you are way too old."

The two she addressed smiled, but Niel just moved her aside. "Where is everyone else?" he asked. "We have come to take you to safety. Go get everyone."

"Take us where?" she countered. "What is going on?"

"Nani, go upstairs and tell your brother to come down," Carman entered the hall just then. Nani shrugged and climbed the stairs. "I am glad you are safe," he told Niel. "I do not suppose this is your doing."

"Brother Brecket," Jessa started, "Niel knew nothing of this until we met him in the air. This is for you sir, from Commissioner Ley." She handed him a sealed envelope.

As he read the letter, Nani returned with Lans. Lans started to comment but stopped when he saw the concerned look on Carman's face. After Carman finished he said quietly, "Niel, your mother is in the dining room. Please go for her."

Niel found Taet sitting quietly on the window seat staring out the window. A sick feeling grabbed his stomach as he thought; she saw the craft and probably thinks I am dead.

"Mami, I am home," he said quietly. When she turned around and he saw her tear streaked face, he ran forward and melted at her feet. "I am so sorry. First Risal cries then you cry. I never wanted anyone to cry."

Taet lifted his head off her lap. She smiled down at him and he smiled back. "My, what an effect you have on females," she teased. Then asked, "did I just see Jessa leave a flightcraft?"

Niel sat next to her. "Yes, the crafts were piloted by Alliance members. Everyone is in the hall. They have come to take you to safety to VilMarc. Before we go, tell me, has anyone talked to Nikki today?"

Her smile faded. "Yes, about one half hour ago. Your friend Merla and Harom left to assist her."

"What kind of help did she need?"

Taet hesitated, Niel nodded expectantly. "She said she needed transport in and out of the Senate Building. She did not wish to say why."

Niel thought for a moment, "she must have found something. I will try to contact her once you have left safely. Let us go."

He took her hand and they left the room. When they entered the hall, Carman took hold of Taet and pulled her close. Niel felt the warmth he always felt when he saw his parents together. He looked at Jessa and caught her eye. She smiled the same sort of smile that he'd seen his mother give his father. He looked away, the warmth replaced by doubt. He had been promised safety, but she had not. No, he didn't want to think about that, so he went back to the matter at hand.

"Papi," he asked, moving so that he would face Carman and away from Jessa. "What was in that letter?" It seemed that before Carman spoke, he pulled Taet in even closer.

"Most of the Council members have gone to VilMarc. They wish us to join them. You too Niel, that part is very clear. These, um, Imperial Airguard is our transport. Presumably, they have come to arrest us, so we cannot keep them waiting. We have time enough to grab our emergency bags and leave."

"But Miya is still at school. We cannot leave her." Taet's concern could almost be felt.

"Not to worry my heart," Carman reassured Taet. "Travat writes that he sent someone for her and the others too. I am certain that she will be fine."

"Papi, leaving the valley now is not in my plans." Niel was adamant. "There are events I need to check on, people I need to talk to."

Carman nodded and spoke rapidly, "I realize that. I also realize that the Council is divided. You need unity. This could be a critical point. I believe you would be making a grave mistake if you do not go. It is however your choice."

Niel felt frustrated; however his father did make a strong point. Reluctantly he gave in, but still did not look at Jessa. Of course the seat by her was left for him. He climbed in silently and stared ahead. After they took off, she broke the silence.

"I will not die. I hope you know that. There is no way, now that I have heard the closest thing to a marriage proposal that you have ever said, that I am going to die, not before our fiftieth anniversary anyway. You are stuck with me for the long haul mister. You better get used to it."

"No," he argued, "you do not know that. That is not something you can control. No one can control that. There are just too many variables."

"Yes that is true, but you can have faith and do your best to stay safe and alive. I can do many things to stay safe and alive."

He pleaded, "yes, leave the planet before it is too late." She frowned and shook her head.

"You have to," he insisted. "I cannot keep you safe. I cannot control that."

"No, you cannot," her voice was sharp. "Did you ever think that you do not have to? It is not your place to control everything. You can only control yourself and have faith that God can control the rest."

"I do not like that."

"I know," she said quietly.

They finished the ride in silence.

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