Chapter 23 They fly for their lives

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Niel flew to the roof of the compound and changed to Páji. When he didn't see anyone but Loboth come out he made a beeline to the Museum. He is after Nikki and Debby. The thought was as good as a stiff tail wind. As he pulled away from the hillside he noticed a movement off to his left. Imperial flight craft. Coming fast too. A burst of energy shot out of the middle craft, zipped just above Niel and blasted into the ridge behind him. They want me to land? Between his position and the three craft was Suttlers Pond loaded with migrating Sierran Geese. He began screeching what he hoped was a distress call. The flock lifted at once right in front of the trio. One pilot managed to duck his ship under the flock and out of the way. The other two attempted the same maneuver, but went for the same spot. The resulting crash littered the pond with debris and bodies, both people and geese.

The Nature Club will have fun with that, he thought as he swooped and landed with only a small wobble on the third craft, right behind the directional sensor array. He became a monkey once again and held on to whatever he could with hind paws and tail. Good thing I used to service these birdies. If I open this and disconnect that, whoah—the craft made an abrupt loop, nearly knocking him off. Changing to feathered again, he swooped in front of the craft and zigzagged toward the ridge. At the last minute, he dived down and abruptly up with the craft tightly behind. The pilot was unable to pull up and the craft flipped to a stop.

There were no other flight craft, so he continued on to the Museum. He circled within six telomets of the crowd top looking for his family. Instead of Breckets or Nikki, he saw people look up and wave, some cheered. Then he noticed guards all over the grounds marching toward the center. He glanced at the rides area. Not one ride was running. Then he saw Nikki, standing on a makeshift stage in the center of the ride court surrounded by a group of people that filled almost the entire court. First, he made sure he was decently feathered and then Danniell descended to stand by Nikana. This time, he expertly touched first one foot and then the other. No introduction was needed, the crowd exploded with cheers. Niel quickly waved for silence and then grabbed Nikki.

"Where is Debby? Loboth wants her. Guards are approaching. We have to leave, now."

Nikki was using a microphone so everyone heard this. People began to look around uneasily. Nikki feared a stampede and quickly called to Debby who was front row center. 

"Squeak up here now. When I change jump on my back and hold on." Then she addressed the crowd. "On Earth, this is called a sit-in. Sit down and do not move until the guards leave. Do not stand, or scoot and above all do not fight. Singing helps."

  By the end of her instructions she had feathered, removed clothing, and crouched down for Debby to mount. Supreme Commander Scorleus entered the arena well ahead of his guards. He ran directly to the stage shoving aside all persons in his way. When he arrived, he shot a blast that ruffled Nikki's head feathers as it grazed them and blew a seat off a ride behind her.

Then he ordered, "stand up female. Both of you, surrender the child and raise your hands." He leaped onto the stage and declared, "In the name of the Emperor, you are under arrest for treason."

Nikki stood, glanced around and not seeing any other guards told him, "and you fool, are outnumbered," punctuating her sentence with a kick that sent Scorleus staggering backward. Niel grabbed Debby and jumped to the ground.

Scorleus caught his balance short of falling off the stage. He holstered his gun and lashed out with a right punch. Nikki ducked, blocked and her Karate auto pilot countered with a left upper cut to his jaw. Scorleus blocked the jab and sliced a knife hand to her midsection, almost connecting. She grabbed his arm, twisted, spun and threw him on his back with a thud. He wobbled as he tried to get up.

Nikki felt angry, frightened and confused. What now? Stay down mister, just stay down. She felt a hand on her arm and jumped. Niel and Debby were behind her.

"Now is a good time to go," Niel told her, so she knelt for Debby to mount.

Debby grabbed so tightly that Nikki asked for a tiny bit less on the neck. Debby nervously adjusted and just as the rest of the guards entered the arena, the Two were airborne. Strains of the Moriah City Anthem accompanied them to the edge of the valley.

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