Chapter 41 Daddy daughter date

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Debby incubated her anger the entire way, mentally rehearsing what she would say and do. She ripped off her "kitty-cat" costume and shredded the fake fur into one huge hairball. She played through the tenth scenario by the time they arrived and was so angry, she snapped at a guard who cautioned her about a step just outside the vehicle. "I have eyes. Move!"

Kershon turned his captives over to Palace Security at the main gate. After four of the eight sentries took the prisoners inside, Kershon and his eight turned their weapons on the remaining four and gave them the three options.

Niel, Nikki and Debby were led to the center of a large, empty, circular room. At one end was a plush, gilded throne set on a three-tiered platform. Loboth's expression as he glared down from that throne held none of the warm emotion they saw at Iosha's place. Nikki tossed her head and smiled defiantly. Niel stood at calm attention. Debby strode two paces in front of and between the others and matched her father's look exactly.

"Ah, at last it is over," Loboth said, his voice calm and assured. "Dracia, you hate me of course. How could you not.

You were not given the chance to do anything but. Now I hope to remedy that situation. All you need do is tell me where your pretty ball is and we can use it to solve this nasty problem. It does heal as well as destroy. I am certain that you will agree healing is what our people need. Our people, Dracia, together we can restore peace and happiness to our people forever."

Debby's drilling gaze never changed as she rebuked Loboth. "Lucifer said he would make Earth so that people would always be peaceful and happy. Father God said no and Lucifer turned into the Most Evil One. The Eye of Angels is here. It has been with Prophet Shamin all along. I will bring it to me, but you will never have it."

She held her arms out and connected to the Eye. After forming protective shells around it and the Shamins, she released a white-hot energy bolt, splitting the basin and the ceiling above it wide open. The floor at the base of the throne cracked and crumbled, sending a shock wave that toppled all but Debby. Loboth was ejected to the floor just barely past the hole. Debby called the Eye to rise and bring the Shamins with it. Slowly, to a chorus of gasps, all three rose and glided to the center of the room. The Shamins were softly set down between Niel and Nikki. The Eye descended gently into Debby's outstretched hands.

Immediately Debby formed shells around Niel and Nikki. Like the one around the Shamins, they were translucent swirling rainbows of color and extended a few inches from their bodies. Nikki tried to stand but could not. She could see the guards raise their weapons and in a panic pounded against the barrier to no avail. As claustrophobia tightened around Nikki, Debby raised the Eye defiantly above her head. The Eye became a miniature sun, arcing and sparking with three bold light ropes connecting to the shells.

"What are you doing?" Nikki yelled. "Debby, can you hear me?" Then to herself said, "I have to get out of here. Wait, I've seen this before. I remember, rethink, just rethink. Okay, I'm lying on the banks of the Snake River watching fireworks. Yeah, that's it, fireworks."

"Kill the Two," ordered Loboth.

Two of the guards fired. Their blasts bounced off the shells and back, sending them flying across the floor to a dead stop against the walls.

"Shoot and die," Debby stated, her voice solid hate.

Nikki forgot about the shell and reached for Debby. As soon as she lovingly touched the shell, she saw through Debby's eyes and felt through Debby's mind. Where hatred didn't fill, anger did.

Debby felt the intrusion of three minds into hers. However, she did not care. Loboth had to pay for what he had done and if she had to kill him for that to happen, so be it. If the guards died too, it was their own faults for being so stupid as to follow a monster. She made a hard wall between her and the others and waited for more weapon blasts.

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