Chapter 24 Heroes and Zeroes

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  Liam was standing between Carman and Jessa when Niel had arrived. He regretted coming. Debby's comment had embarrassed and flustered Nikki. That was not what she needed. Today she needed a clear head and a single mind. She did not need to be thinking of anything but her mission. No matter how much he might wish otherwise. He had not wanted to come for that reason. Jessa had talked him into it, so it did not look as if she was too eager to see Niel, even though everyone but Niel seemed to know that. He truly did not know how Nikki felt for him, but he knew how he felt for her. It had been all he could do to make it through those six months on the Banta knowing that he may never have any more time with her. Not that he had any place to wish for that, she was one of the Two, chosen for a holy cause and he was no one. But today, each time she had looked his way as she spoke, her eyes had locked with his and her smile had grown a bit wider. Oh, he had probably just imagined it.

  He noticed right away when Niel landed that something was wrong. He and Niel were close friends and usually able to read each other's moods with a glance. When Niel announced that they would have to leave, he started to go up to join them. Jessa grabbed him.

  "No, not now," she said. "I know where he will go. Wait and when we can, we will go there together. Trust me Liam, there is only one place he will take them."

  He stopped but when Scorleus arrived took a step forward. This time both Carman and Jessa stopped him. So he anxiously watched the fight. His heart sunk as the Three flew off. Not many people knew he was Páji, he had not even told Nikki. To watch her in danger when he could be by her side was painful. Well, he could honor her wishes, so when the rest of the guards appeared he sat and called for everyone else to sit.

  Scorleus revived, stood, looked at the disappearing trio and bellowed with rage. "First the grandstand, now this," he muttered.

 Assistant Commander Marcin Kershon, a blond Felis male reached the stage and asked, "sir, did you say something?"

"No," Scorleus snapped and then grabbed the microphone. "Alright people, the show is over. Everyone stand up and go back to the festival." No one responded.

"Kershon," he ordered, "make a path through these people. I do not care how."

  Kershon waved to other guards to join him. He picked up the nearest person and tried to stand him up. The male became dead weight, slipped out of Kershon's grasp and sat back on the grass. The other guards had no better luck. They tried several times with different people and got the same results. Scorleus aimed his weapon and shot the ground next to a female. She screamed and curled up in a ball with her arms around her head. Her boyfriend rose and was pulled back down by two friends.

 "She said no fighting," implored one.

 "Gods help us," pleaded the other.

Kershon was on the stage in one bound and thanked his Felis strength as he grabbed the weapon arm of the much larger Scorleus and lowered it. "Sir, no. They are gone. All three are gone. It will do no good to take it out on these people." Kershon released his hold and continued, "report to Loboth. If he orders us to fight, these people will not fight back, but we will do what we must."

Scorleus glared at Kershon but holstered his gun. After a long moment, he activated his personal com unit and contacted Loboth. Before he could say more than "this is Scorleus", Loboth swore at him.

 "I saw them fly off. You were supposed to detain them," Loboth bellowed, "not allow them to leave. Contact the Airguard, I want them captured. What is that noise?"

"Singing sir," Scorleus tried to sound confident. "We are at the rides arena. We arrived just as they were flying off. The crowd has completely filled the area. They are sitting, singing and refusing to move. We have tried picking them up to move them and they become dead weight. The female told them to not fight. What do you want us to do sir?"

 There was no response so he continued. "Excellency mobilizing the Airguard will take a while. If you remember you gave all but one unit the day off. Half of them are out of town and not planning to return until the air show tomorrow. I will mobilize who I can."

After another round of expletives Loboth ordered, "you will contact all. I am holding you responsible and I will not tolerate failure. As for the people, leave them alone. I will not have my celebration turned into a blood bath. I have arrived at the museum. You will meet me in the office of the curator. I will deal with the people." Loboth severed communications.

Scorleus ordered his men to return to their posts. As soon as the guards had disbanded, the crowd broke up and the rides started again. As he and Kershon walked to the Administration Building, he reached the Airguard Battalion Leader and gave orders.

 "I have already called all personnel back," the leader replied. "I received a distress call from the left wing of the unit on duty. The criminal has destroyed the entire unit. I will be airborne with four units within the half hour. We will return well before dusk."

"Good, that should appease the Emperor. They went southwest."

"We will have them or I will take the blame."

"You certainly will," Scorleus snapped and shut his unit off. "Kershon, there are days when I wish Humans had wings. Then I could fly to the isle of Cortra, be tended by gorgeous female resort staff and sip molca juice all day."

 Kershon usually enjoyed such a fantasy, but today he remained serious. "Sir, what if the people truly believe the criminals are the Two of Prophesy? That crowd certainly did. Something like this could start a rebellion that would make the Pájas Rebellion look tame. Just before the order to converge on the game arena, I saw some of the Seventh Squad, led by Harom Brecket, out of uniform and preaching to people."

Scorleus stopped and glared at his assistant. "What?" he exclaimed.

"Yes sir and preaching is the only word that describes it. They were enthusiastically telling everyone who would listen that the Two of Prophesy had arrived and the time of enslavement was over. They said Nikana was calling for peaceful revolt. That we should all start living as if there was no Emperor. They said God had deposed him. They were gathering quite a group of listeners and no one was arguing. I tried to contact Brecket, but no response. Are you willing to fight a battle that very possibly cannot be won?"

Scorleus stood for a moment and then resumed walking. "Emperor Loboth is waiting," he said.

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