Chapter 14 Nikana is made whole

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The next morning was a perfect welcome to Casároni, bright blue sky and the promise of a warm day. After six months of Banta "comfort" mattresses, neither Nikki nor Debby wanted to get out of bed, but the smell of sausages and pancakes pulled them downstairs. They followed their noses to the kitchen and found Taet cooking.

"Good morning gentlefems," Taet's cheerful voice matched her bright yellow apron. "The food is not quite ready. Go to the window seat by the table and have a look at the valley."

Sunlight flooded the dining room. Nikki sat backwards on one of the eight dark brown wooden chairs at the matching rectangular table. She faced the bay window and thoroughly enjoyed the warmth on her head, shoulders and lower legs. Debby knelt on the vine and flower patterned window seat cushion and studied the valley. The house sat on enough of a slope that one could see over the tops of lower houses and onto almost the entire valley. Major streets cut up the mass of buildings and greenery into squares, giving the valley the appearance of a giant patchwork quilt. A lake on the west side and a building complex in the center were the largest patches. After squealing, Debby started to count tall buildings. The tallest were at the north end. Nikki just loved the space. The sound of footsteps did nothing to break her trance. A low chuckle and a playful cuff on her shoulder got her attention.

"Good morning," Niel laughed, "you must have slept well. You look content enough to purr." He pulled up a chair and also sat down backwards, next to her.

"Yes I did," she replied, "I am so glad to be off that little ship with its narrow halls. You know, I do believe that if I could purr, I would."

"Sure you can purr."

Nikki turned to the speaker. Lans and Nani were setting the table. Lans continued, "my friend Wilm is only one eighth Felis and he can purr. You are half, have you never tried?"

"Niel can purr," Nani teased, "especially when anybody mentions Jessa Crane." She deftly caught the napkin that Niel chucked. "Ha."

"Perhaps she was taught not to," another voice chimed in. This one belonged to a female, who looked to be just older than Niel. She placed a platter of sausages on the table. Taet was behind her with pancakes. "She grew up as human. Humans do not purr. Hello, my name is Miya."

An older male with a touch of white in his rust brown mane entered the room and kissed Taet. "Good morning my heart," he said in a warm bass voice. Then, "hello gentlefems, I am Carman Brecket and pleased to meet you. You have met the head and tail of our litter. Before long you will meet the rest. Gorel, Risal and Tyka have their own households. You will meet them at the ceremonies tomorrow morning. Perhaps we will see Harom also. He is serving his compulsory two years in the military.

Debby was wide-eyed and standing by Nikki. "Two more kitty-cats," she blurted out and clapped her hands. "I love kitty-cats, especially ones as nice as Uncle Niel and when they bring sausages."

Everyone laughed and the Breckets each knelt by a chair at the table. As Nikki and Debby joined them, Carman explained, "we are officially banned from any religious activity. For the last 100 years, we, the Followers of the Redeemer, have met in secret and out of the way places. Last Sabbath we met in the basement of an emergency center. Tomorrow is Sabbath and Day of Redemption, the day we honor the atonement of the Redeemer. Due to the Centennial Celebration, we will not have regular services, but will have a special one at midnight. The place has yet to be announced. However, we are always able to pray. We try to have family prayers twice a day, however, our evenings are quite busy. It is rare to have all of us together for dinner."

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