Chapter 7 Gained a brother

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Sunday was not a sunny day. Another storm was upon them.

Nikki came in from chores, expecting to see Debby in the living room playing with a new toy. Instead she was in the kitchen with Andrea and Minnie staring glumly at her plate of breakfast.

"Merry Christmas everybody, so much for the Sunday School program," Nikki said as she sat down to eat.

"It's supposed to be a short storm. We'll make it to Sacrament Meeting tonight," Minnie remarked. "We can open presents any time before then. I know it won't be the same, but Grandpa would want us to have a nice Christmas."

Debby ate and glared at Nikki at the same time. At first Nikki ignored the stare by finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Debby what is it?" she demanded.

"Are you really Finder and what are you 'posta find?"

Nikki leaned back in her chair and sighed. "I guess so and I don't know. My birth father, oh that sounds weird. Cat Man, said I was supposed to find a way to release people from bondage. He never said who or where. Will you please eat and not stare?"

Debby nodded and they finished breakfast. Andrea and Debby left the room. Nikki pushed away from the table and began to pace the kitchen floor.

"I can't do it Mom, I can't do it," she said on her second time around. Immediately she was flying again. Unlike last night's vision she did not feel exhilarated, she felt determined. She had a job to finish and could not stop until it was done. She looked at the man flying beside her and saw that he was a cat/bird hybrid too. He returned her gaze and grinned.

Just as fast she was back in the kitchen and paced into the table. She felt disoriented and was wide-eyed

"Nikki honey, what's the matter?" Minnie asked. The question brought Nikki fully into the kitchen.

"I need to take a walk," she stammered

"Now?" Minnie half laughed. "It's snowing like crazy. Sit back down and tell me what's wrong.

Nikki shook her head and sat. Andrea entered and gathered up the dishes. She took one look at Nikki and asked, "what was in that cube?"

"Maybe I should have told both of you earlier, but I thought it was just an interesting dream." Nikki then related the experience of flying, the winged man and the Angel's Eye. Her words tumbled out faster and louder as she spoke. "But just now I saw it again. Only this time I was already flying and I knew I couldn't stop until I finished my mission. I had to keep going, there were people depending on me and then I looked at the man and, and Mom, he was just like Romm. But he's been dead a hundred years and this man was my age and it was real! I was there just like I'm here now."

She paused, laid her head onto the table and said, "I was all set refuse, but now I don't know."

"Oh honey," Minnie said softly and stroked Nikki's hair. "It does sound as if Heavenly Father is telling you to go."

Andrea put water and the dishes in the sink and joined the conversation. "Nikki, maybe the man is your brother. After I learned Heavenly Father's gospel I had a vision too. I saw exactly how to get us away from my husband. It was so real that after it ended I was disappointed I was still in our rooms. When I first met you, The Spirit told me who you were and what you must do. I know you will be successful, but I cannot make you know that. If you go I will go with you and help you in any way possible. If you stay, I will stay and support you in whatever you do.

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