Chapter 15 We need all the blessings we can get

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 They went back to the Brecket's for lunch as the males had promised a fish dinner.  Lans and the lovely odor of fish greeted them.  As Nani grilled him on which store his fish were caught in and the girls followed his denial to the dining room, Taet held Nikki back and sat her down.

 "The loss will be discovered," she began quietly.  "You had the right to take what was yours.  Obviously, it was given to you.  There were no alarms, we were not stopped and questioned.   But, the loss will be discovered.  Those feathers—your feathers—are a national treasure.  The Empire uses them as a reminder of power and authority.  Alliance members find hope in them.  Even though most people do not believe they belonged to either of the Two, they were a visible reminder of God's prophecy.  Now some will say that the time has come to start the war they have been longing to wage.  I am not sure that is right.  My opinion does not count, the opinions held by you and Niel do.  Tell him.  The two of you must decide what to do.  I know the Parents will guide you."

 She started to sob.  The assured matriarch collapsed as she bent and covered her face.  Nikki, at a rare loss for words, just hugged her.  Taet returned the hug, and continued, "I was told who Niel was when he was given to us.  It was not real.  I forgot he was more than my son.  He was and is a good son.  He is the most obedient and reverent of all my children.  I can count on him to do whatever he is asked.  I had dreams of that continuing into my old age.  But," her voice wavered, "if there is a war—" she broke off and sobbed again. 

 "Nikki, Mother, are you coming?  There is a fish calling your na—" Niel came around the corner and immediately knelt by Taet.  "Mother, what is wrong?"

The assured matriarch returned.  Taet took a deep breath and stood, taking Niel up with her.  She caressed his mane.  "I am fine now.  I will go eat that noisy fish; you will sit down and listen to your sister.  I love you, Danniell."  She walked around the corner leaving a perplexed Niel to follow her with his stare.

 "Danniell," he repeated, "she has never called me that."

 "Niel, sit," Nikki commanded.  "On second thought, stay standing.  There is an old Earth saying, 'a picture is worth a thousand words.'  We went to the museum today.  I need to show you something and I need to take off my shirt." 

 She stood with her back to him, removed her jacket and then slipped her shirt off.  Slowly, she held her arms out to each side and grew the hair on her arms and torso into feathers.  She heard Niel take a sharp breath and then he sputtered.

 "What, how did you, your scars, you have, wait, you went to the museum?  Then those are," he stopped and sat down.

 "My feathers," she finished and turned to face him.  "I was given my feathers back."  Then trying to bring a smile to his shocked face she said, "they go all the way to my tail bone, but I am not taking off my pants to show you that."

 Niel stared at her as if he had never seen her before.  "How did you do that?  How did you steal an important artifact from the museum and not become arrested?" he asked.

 "Steal!" Nikki yelled.  "I did not steal anything."  She shrunk her feathers and popped her shirt back on.  "These are my feathers.  Mine.  I told you on the Banta that the teaching cube said that they were removed to save our lives and that Father God would give them back to me at the right time.  I told you that, we talked about it, and you have the nerve to call me a thief?  Niel Brecket I ought to—"

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