Chapter 29 I'm making this up as I go.

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"Thank you," Niel said when they were in the squad car.

"You are welcome." Carman stared out the meshed window. "So what now?" he asked

"Well," Niel replied, "we spring Harom and lead the battle. On the way here this morning I contacted Alliance leaders, local church leaders, Maya's student group and Prophet Shamin. There will be messages over the news media calling for Loboth to step down and listing a number of laws to disobey, starting with the segregation of humans in public buildings. I have asked for strikes and protests. Only health care workers are exempt. I am hoping that by tomorrow most factories and stores will be involved. I wish to offer incentives for guards to leave the service, but not sure how or if that will work."

Carman nodded understanding, but was still looking out the window. "What happens when guards show up?

"First, the guards are invited to join. If they do not, or threaten violence, the protest breaks up. The next day it reforms. I stressed to avoid fighting and invite everyone to join. The protests are to be short, two hours at the most and should take place at different times each day.

"As soon as the three of us get out of prison, I need to go see the Prophet. He told me he has a long speaking schedule made up for us. We, Prophet Shamin, Harom and I, are to visit just about every city on the planet and preach the gospel. You get the pleasure of going home and staying out of trouble. You and Mom should take Nani and Lans and leave."

"Niel, I appreciate your concern, but I did not put myself in trouble just to run from it. I will talk with the Prophet. So how are we breaking out of prison?"

"No idea. I am making this up as I go."

Carman was astounded, "you do not have a detailed plan?"

"No," Niel replied with a shrug.

Carman shook his head in amazement and they sat silent until they arrived at the prison underground parking. The elevator took them directly to the receiving room hallway. One of the clerks had encountered Niel before. The male turned pale when he saw the new prisoners.

"Do not worry, this time I want to go in," Niel reassured him. "I will not fight."

The clerk was not reassured. "You are to go directly to your cell." He turned and spoke to the six burly guards standing behind him, "take them away."

The guards marched to Carman and aimed their guns at him.

"By orders of the Emperor," one guard told Niel. "If you try anything, we shoot. We are to take your belongings."

Niel's backpack changed hands. Carman's pockets yielded two pencils, an electronic writing stylus, his identification and some change. Carman's was chained identically to Niel. Both were checked with a wand scanner and taken to the cells.

The Imperial Corrections Compound's tiny cells held a cot, toilet and sink. They were rock and block on all sides. Each door had a small barred window. Lighting came from two slit windows, if the cell had an outside wall, and one mediocre ceiling lamp. Into one of these, already occupied, the father and son were thrown.

The guard opening the cell's door called to the occupant, a Felis male, similarly chained, lying on his back and staring blankly at the ceiling. He jumped up when the door opened and yelled when he recognized his new cellmates.

"Wake up Brecket, we brought you some playmates."

"No, Niel, Papi? You are not supposed to be here. Oh no, why did you let yourself be caught? Oh." Harom slumped on his bed and sunk his head into his hands.

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