Chapter 35 Meeting at Vilmarc

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Jessa slid the Aircraft deftly into the barn. "Ha," she exclaimed as she turned the engine off. "Two years of landing a flying ambulance on little space paid off."

As they climbed out, Niel replied, "you are one of the best. I still wish you would not have enlisted when I served. Females have never been required to be a Guard."

"I did not want you to have all the fun," she joked and then stopped as they reached the rear of the craft. "Niel, I know you want to protect me. You have since we first met." She wrapped her arms around him. "But you need to believe that you are not my only protector. My Personal Blessing said that if I would live the Gospel, I would be protected in all my righteous activities. This is a righteous activity."

"I did not know that," he said and returned the hold. "That is good to know. I will try to worry less. What now? We have split up to hide the crafts, but what about us?'

"Actually each craft will be modified for greater combat capacity." The male who had guided Jessa into the makeshift hanger wore a mechanics uniform, complete with grease stains. "Hello," he extended his arm, looked at the grease and withdrew it, "sorry, I am Kerran Robbil. I work in the main garage and have heard so much about you two. I am honored to work on the craft you will be flying in the attack tomorrow.

"What attack tomorrow?" Niel asked warily.

"Why, the attack on the rest of the Airguard. I thought you knew. You are here to finalize the plans."

"Did you know this?" he asked Jessa.

"No," she replied, "I was told to hide the craft in this particular barn and we would be taken to town for a meeting."

Niel released her and glared at the mechanic. "Who is to take us to town?"

"I am," the gracious voice came from the doorway. "I am Josethem Ami. Welcome to my farm. My vehicle is out here." The elderly Felene pointed to a dilapidated wagon that looked as old as its owner. As they walked to it, he continued.

"I saw the broadcast of your speech during the opening of the festival. Since you are Peacemaker, I wondered if you would take issue with the battle plans. You will not be the only one. Betryn Pajasari is the main force behind it. Go ahead and get in. My wife Bitha is already waiting. We will be in town shortly."

Niel and Jessa took their places in the back seat. As they drove away Jessa wondered, "Betryn Pajasari, do you mean the schoolteacher? I had him for mathematics. He was always so soft spoken."

"He is," Bitha, a silver haired Human, told her. "His wife's family lives here. They say that since his son was killed on Terran, he has bitterly hated the Emperor. It has been a stress to his poor wife, she is a sweet girl."

"That does not surprise me," added Niel. "He talked to me the day before we left to find Nikana. He was almost exultant. It was as if bringing Nikki back was a personal triumph. An attack is the wrong thing. I will stop it."

"Good luck," Josethem told him. "Your actions have polarized the Alliance Council. Exactly half are for continuing the preplanned revolt, the others have gone solidly behind you. Most are for destroying the Airguard, if for nothing more than reducing the risk to the protesters. The problem comes in how to destroy it. Do we attack when most of the ships are empty and disable the remainder keeping the pilots alive, or engage in combat? Pajasari wants combat and he makes a convincing argument for it. Bitha and I are on your side and you will be glad to know that the whole town turned out this morning for a peace rally."

Niel spent the rest of the ride pondering how to proceed. His train of thought was derailed by wonderful odors wafting out of the small diner they parked behind. Loud grumbling from his midsection commented before his mouth could.

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