Chapter 20 His Excellency in not amused

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Moriah General Hospital sat near the top of the Valley's north hill.  It was an old, multi-story serene looking building sitting on an equally serene campus.  The usually bustling entrance lobby was still.  Senator Alaham and bodyguards breezed through the security check and hastened to the fifth floor care suites.  These were reserved for government officials.  First, one passed an extra security station and then had to check in at the Nursing Station.  Alaham announced himself to the Nurse on duty and was told that Loboth was not receiving visitors, no exceptions. 

"I understand that," the senator said deferentially.  "I simply wish to give him an expected report about the opening ceremonies.  It will not take long."

The nurse, a wiry, stern human female, gave him a glare to melt steel.  "His Excellency is having an important treatment.  Any news can wait."

"I am sure he is receiving the best of care under your competent supervision."  The glare continued.  "Please, a simple message?  Hmm?  Simply tell him that I saw Dracia and she is having a wonderful time."

"Well, I suppose I could deliver a message," the nurse said without other change. 

"I will wait for the audience," Alaham announced, ambled to the waiting area and nonchalantly took a seat. 

Almost as soon as she disappeared behind the suite door, the nurse was back and scurrying to the senator.  Alaham feigned surprised gratitude when he was told that His Excellency wished to see him "right now".  He rushed into the suite and bowed low to Loboth who was sitting in a railed bed.  At a glance, when he was allowed to rise, Alaham assessed the situation to use the right emotional tone.  Experience had taught him that when Loboth was tired or ill, he was exceptionally vicious.  His Excellency looked like a patient, but not tired or ill.  Loboth was wearing standard hospital pajamas, had an intravenous line running and was attended by a nurse and an aide.  He had good color and was wide-awake.

"Alaham," Loboth demanded, "what is this about?'

"As you know sire, I am from the town of VilTolric.  I watched one Andrella Sandelz grow up.  Today I saw and heard two significant people, one a human female child of six or seven years, the other a female of about twenty.  The child bore a striking resemblance in looks and mannerisms to Andrella.  Except her eyes, they are yours.  The other, if feathered, would be the exact image of Korene Brecket."

Loboth paled and then became beet red.  "Where are they?  Where did you see them?" he bellowed.

"Permit me a moment longer Excellency, there are facts you need to know."  He then related the morning's incidents.

Alaham stepped back as the anger on Loboth's face turned into pure, cold, hatred.  Loboth ordered the nurse to remove the IV line and collect his belongings.  She argued that his stomach was not ready; he cut her off with a commanding glare.

"Have my car here immediately," he ordered.

"Sire, if it would help to save time, my car is down in the parking lot.  My driver can take us both to the festival," Alaham suggested boldly.  Then he added more contritely, "that is if it is pleasing to your Excellency."

It was.

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