Chapter 22 This ghost is alive

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Senator Alaham's car went to the festival by way of the Imperial 1st District Corrections Compound or Imperial House of Torture as it was otherwise known. Located on the northwest corner hillside, it stood out as an ugly, gray scab on an otherwise colorful slope. There was a small parking lot and three buildings: a one-story maintenance garage, a small two story administrative cube and the much larger six story containment unit. Surrounding this was a two story stone wall topped with an electric fence. There was a spacious yard around the buildings composed of walkways, yellowing grass and a few struggling bushes.

Alaham's driver stopped on the half circle driveway in front of the unit. The security guard snapped to brisk attention when Loboth stepped out of the car. He disengaged the alarm system just long enough for the Emperor, Senator and bodyguards to pass through. Alaham chuckled, at any other time he would have to empty out his pockets and be searched. As they left the main checkpoint, the guard notified the receiving desk that Loboth was on his way.

The receiving room was at the end of a hallway. It was spacious and circular with the desk dividing the room into two unequal sides. There was one door in, one out, and no windows. The smaller, entrance side contained a few benches arranged along the wall. The other side had four curtained areas where prisoners were searched and obliged to change into jail clothing. The desk had a communication center at one end, a workstation at the other and a gate in between. Five personnel were behind the desk busy at various tasks. Two guards were in front of the desk, at the communication end, one on each side of Niel Brecket.

Niel had just finished arrangements with the family lawyers to cover the defense of the rebels. He had witnessed the searches to be sure the men treated fairly, but was allowed nothing else. When he first arrived, he had tried to convince the personnel of his identity and mission. They had commanded him at gunpoint to be silent, but had told him he could act as advocate and secure counsel. They reminded him that no charges had been filed against him, so do not push it. He felt that he was to stay at the jail a while longer so he talked to all three of the lawyers retained by his father when he only needed to talk to one. He hung up with the last one, turned around, saw who had just entered the room and said a very quick prayer.

"Hello Kart Loboth," he stepped forward and spoke calmly yet firmly. "I am Danniell Brecket. I was called by the Parents to command you to repent and step down as leader of this planet. Your time is over. In fact, you should not be alive. Now that you no longer have the Eye of Angels, your days will be lengthened only if you repent and return to God."

Niel stood at calm attention. Loboth paused long enough inside the doorway to clench his fists and jaw. He stepped to arm's length from Niel and sneered down at him. Niel did not flinch as Loboth's icy glare scanned him head to toe, but slowly smiled and asked.

"Do I look familiar? Perhaps someone you met over a century ago?"

Loboth stepped back and gave a short humorless laugh. His tone was even and emotionless. "You remind me of an infant I saw exactly a century ago. An infant I burned to death with his sister in the house of a rebel. You are the one who should be dead. I saw you in that house just before I inflamed it. There was no possible way you could have escaped and yet you are here. Oh, there is no doubt of who you are. You have your father's looks and your mother's impertinence. The question of why you are still alive is of no consequence. What I am going to do with you is. I could kill you now, or use you to finally crush the rebellion and put to rest the Two of Prophesy."

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