Chapter 31 Revalations

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Lunch was eaten and dishes were washed. The adults sat at the end of the table. Nikki was at the head with the book open in front of her. Debby stood between Nikki and Liam.

"What is it," asked Iosha, "that you see in that painting over the others?"

"Not exactly sure," replied Nikki. "It just looks different. For one thing it has more objects in it than the rest. Another thing is the grouping. All the objects except the rocks and flowers are grouped, with all the same thing in a group. Oh, look," she sounded excited, "even though the groups are staggered a little, they are more or less lined up. Hum, I wonder," she looked at Iosha. "Do you have a measuring stick or straight edge? Something as long as the picture."

Iosha nodded and found just the thing from the bookcase. Nikki placed it on the picture. "Yes, if I put the measuring stick under the groups like this, you can see two rows."

"Two rows of numbers," Iosha said quietly. He sat transfixed by the thought. "I have looked at that so often and never seen it. Each of the groups has a different number of objects. That has to be it. We count the objects and we have the code." As he looked at Nikki, a slow smile grew on his enrapt face. "Nikki, you are brilliant. If my grandson is foolish enough to let you go, I shall catch you."

Nikki laughed. Liam leaned toward Iosha and said with a wide grin, "not a chance Grandpapi, not a chance." Then he was serious, "your grandson is not that dull either. I noticed something in the middle panel. Take a close look at how the figures are arranged."

He moved the book around to be in front of Iosha. Debby scurried around Nikki and peered too.

"I do not see," Iosha began and then Debby squeaked.

"It's a bird. It's a big birdie."

"What?" said both Iosha and Liam.

"Exactly Squeak, now tell us again in Maeta please," Nikki admonished.

Debby complied, "it is a bird. See, it is flying. The crown is the beak, his arms and the mountain tops are the wings, my ball and the light make the body and the people are the tail."

Iosha was again impressed. "Those who will see can see," he quoted. "It is indeed. You have found what I could not."

"Yeah, well there is a problem. We can easily count the number of objects in all the groups on these panels," Nikki said touching the left and center. She placed her hand on the outer part of the right one. "But, it looks as if something spilled here. I cannot tell how many people or monkeys or whatever are in these groups. Do you have another copy?"

"No I do not." Iosha threw his hands up, "oh, that is my fault. I fell asleep one evening and knocked over my drink. There was not much in it, but it was enough. We will have to send word to the city and have someone find another copy."

"I have a better idea," Nikki put her hands on her head, took a deep breath and continued. "There are shapes between the groups, here, here and here." She pointed to the spaces between the panels. "Liam thinks they might be part of the wall the painting is on. I think they might be part of the code, dashes or colons. It is hard to tell. I would need to see the original to be sure. Hear me out before you argue, thank you. I need the Eye of Angels. That means I need to go to the Prophet anyway. I might as well count the objects myself. I can change into animals, why not people? If I could figure out a way to get into the city unobserved, I could make it to the capitol in disguise, especially if Niel has all kinds of protests going on. The guards should be too busy handling all that to check every citizen for papers.

"I think it is a matter of time before we are found. I want to leave tomorrow even if I have to walk. I would rather not be in prison where I can do nothing. At the same time, I want the three of you to find a different hiding place. We need to keep Debby as far away from Papi Dear as possible so there is no sense in you going with me. Now you may argue."

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