Chapter 19 Festival fun or how not to make a first impression

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Wall to wall people, without the walls was how Debby described the crowd surrounding the Museum. She was riding on Niel's shoulders to avoid being separated from the group. Thousands of folding chairs were arranged in three sections in front of a large grandstand on the central portion of the back lawn. Loudspeakers on stands were placed at regular intervals in the aisles and one had to be careful not to trip on the snakes of cable connecting them.

When the Breckets arrived at their seats, center section, forth row back, the orchestra set up on the rear of the grandstand was playing the prelude. A row of chairs full of dignitaries sat in front of the musicians and behind a carved, dark wood podium. Embossed with gold and silver on its front was a blazing sun, symbolizing the power of the empire. Armed guards in black and gray body armor, three with full face shielding helmets, stood one near each corner of the stand.

Upon dismounting, Debby stood between Niel and Nikki and announced sternly. "I am sitting between you two and you are not talking to each other."

Before either could reply, a younger version of Carman approached them. He gave Taet a hug and cuffed Niel on the shoulder.

"You made it," he said cheerfully. "Nothing is wrong I hope. We were beginning to wonder if you were coming at all."

"So was I," Niel mumbled.

Nikki poked him.

Carman gave them both a piercing glance then spoke to his eldest son.

"All is well. Gorel, these are our guests Nikki Jessop and Debby Sanchez. Gentlefems, this is my eldest, Gorel." He pointed down the row of seats as he spoke. "His family is here. Risal, Tyka and their families are there and I am afraid better introductions will have to wait as we are late. Children," he looked at Niel and Nikki, "take your seats."

Gorel grabbed Niel and sat him down. The rest followed, with Carman at the end.

The Lobothia Grand Symphony finished to rousing applause. As a portly Felis male, with golden blond, white salted fur approached the microphone Niel leaned over Debby's head to Nikki.

"That is Senior Senator Alaham. He is Loboth's brainless robot. He was appointed from the South Continent seven years ago. No one knows much about him except he does Loboth's bidding without question. Wait a minute," Niel laughed softly, "all that fuss we made and he is not even here."

"What?" Nikki replied, "who is not here?"

"Loboth, his empty chair is behind the podium."

Nikki stared at the Grandstand. There was an empty throne-like chair set in the middle of the rest. "I guess that is that then," she whispered back to Niel.

"Shhhhh!" Debby interjected.

Senator Alaham gave a boisterous greeting and outlined the day's events. His slow South Continent drawl made the list linger. He smiled brightly the entire time. Suddenly, like storm clouds covering the sun, his smile disappeared and his voice darkened.

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