Chapter 39 An unexpected ally

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Traffic stop checkpoints were at all major intersections from VilMarc to the mouth of the valley. At each, Niel tensed until their identifications cleared. He said a silent prayer when they passed the turn to Iosha's canyon.

The wagons split up when they entered the valley. Niel took his group on a western route. They needed to use up time before the rendezvous and so planned stops along the way. The first stop was forced. Except for a single line of creeping cars, the intersection between four shopping centers was filled by protesters. Protesters were directing cars through, a few at a time, alternating all four directions. Group members held signs and were chanting, singing, and inviting each driver to join them.

"Niel, if we turn onto this parking lot, we can go around the crowd," Jessa said.

"I want to drive through it," Niel replied. "I want a good feel for it."

He shoved his foot firmly on the brake pedal, folded his arms over the steering wheel and waited for his turn to pass through.

Harom leaned forward and said, "you might want to change your mind. Look over there." He pointed left.

Another group marched toward them. This one was about one-fourth the size of the protesters, but each member held some sort of weapon. Niel could see chains, clubs and crowbars as well as pistols and rifles. The protesters greeted the arms bearers and requested them to join. As soon as two telomets separated the groups the arms bearers ran through the protesters, beating on and knocking down anyone in their way. Most of the protesters scattered, screaming and running. Some fought back.

"We need to leave, now," Jessa warned. "We cannot risk this."

"Sorry to say, I agree with Jessa," Harom added.

Niel whispered, "what have I done?" He yanked the steering wheel sharply to the right and gunned his accelerator into the lot. He left the crowd behind, but hung on to the tension.

West Community Park, where a carnival was in progress, was their first planned stop. They found a parking place in the densely packed lot and prepared to split up and play their roles for an hour. Jessa stopped them just as they got out.

"Wait, look, that is strange. The carnival should have started two hours ago, but none of the rides are moving."

Niel commented, "maybe they just happened to finish all at once."

"Niel, there are over twenty rides. Really, what are the chances of that happening? No, something is going on."

Just then two females walked by. The one said to the other, "I am serious. It is Assistant Commander Kershon, the second in command of the Armed Forces. He has started another rebellion. He says the Emperor had a mental collapse—" her voice trailed off.

Niel looked at his companions. "Well, something has happened indeed," he said and they followed the females.

The central area contained two stages. All the chairs faced one stage. People filled all seats, the second stage plus the surrounding grass, with more standing. A honey-blond Felis male had their attentions. Niel, Jessa and Harom stopped at the far stage. Niel could tell from the male's uniform he was a high-ranking military official, but because of the crowd could not see his face. The male's words were understandable, although muffled by the old speaker system.  Niel strained to hear them all.

"Is that Kershon?" he asked his "son".

"The voice is his, but not the words," Harom answered.  "He was an Empire supporter, wait a moment." He jumped onto the base of a nearby flagpole. "Yes, that is him."

Niel listened intently as Kershon admonished the assembly to completely ignore the Emperor's speech.

"He wishes us to murder our friends and families. If we turn the wrath of one insane male into a blood bath, we are worse than the people he condemns.

"Any student of history knows that the Great Depression came from the greed of an entire planet. Read old journals and newspapers; watch old recordings. You will learn that Loboth is manipulating us the way Mordok manipulated our ancestors. Mordok was a jealous, vain male who wanted glory and revenge. Loboth is a spent, old male who has outlived his ability to govern.

"I heard him last night and was afraid. He is insane.  Last night I chose to leave his service. Today I choose to join with his enemies, Nikana and Danniell.   If they are not the Two of Prophesy, they are at least two of sanity. I admonish you to do the same."

As Kershon outlined his plan for rebellion, Niel thought aloud, "again we change our plans. At least it is something good."

He asked Jessa, "How would you like to regain your lost youth?" He shaped back into himself and started walking to the other stage. Jessa smiled, tossed her gray wig aside and reached into her bag for make-up remover. Harom rejoiced.

"Yes, I can lose the earrings," he shouted as he yanked them and his wig off and tossed them onto the stage. "I rather like this tattoo," he held out his right arm decorated with a hissing snake ready to attack a crouching rat. "What do you think, should I get a real one like it?"

Immediately Jessa answered "no". He grinned.

Niel strode down the aisle between the chairs losing his costume piece by piece and greeting people as he went. When he had gathered enough attention and disbursed all but his loosened pants and flight suit, he shaped into a large brown and black bird and flew the rest of the way to the podium. He landed smoothly as himself in front of the applauding former Assistant Supreme Commander and held out his hand.

"Where are Nikana and the girl?" Kershon asked. Before Niel could answer he explained, "Loboth has stationed Special Forces members in each of the main government buildings in case one or both of you showed. They have orders to kill all but Nikana and Dracia, including you."

"Not good," Niel exclaimed. "What kind of back-up can you give me?"

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