Chapter 38 "If he wants a fight, we will fight."

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"Aunt Nikki," Debby asked as she worked on her stack of pancakes, "have we only been on Casároni four days? It seems much longer."

"I know, so much has happened," Nikki replied as she started on her breakfast. "We came the evening of Thirday, went to the museum and received blessings on Fourthday, started a rebellion and flew to Iosha on Fifthday, found the secret of the Páji, challenged the Emperor and stopped a massacre on Firstday, so that makes today, day five. I do not know about you but I am ready for a vacation."

Debby laughed. "Me too," she agreed.

Pacia placed a plate of steaming biscuits on the table. "Try them with honey-butter, they are delicious," she told her guests. Then to Debby she continued, "when this is over, you talk your aunt into coming back and we will go to the most fun place in the galaxy. Bushy Bear Park is a wonderful spot right on the equator. It is from a series of books about an adventurous little bear and has all sorts of rides and entertainment for everyone. It is warm year round and even has a river and a beautiful lake."

Debby gave a squeal and looked at Nikki. "Sounds good to me," Nikki answered her unspoken question. "We will go there. Right now, we need to go to the Capitol. Unfortunately we have work to do. Liam, Merla and Debby will be with me, so while I am counting pictures, pay attention to what others are saying. How many people are talking about us, are they for or against, or does anybody even care? Squeak, I suggest you stuff yourself; it may be a while before we eat another meal."

Not quite two hours later two rustic station wagons pulled up. Josethem and Bitha Ami exited one to pick up their "widowed old friend" and her family, complete with forged ID, for a day in town. Another "elderly couple", a Human looking male and Felis female sprang out the other. They strolled into the store where their "college student son" was waiting. The "old friend" gripped her cane and hobbled over.

"Nice nose job. If I had not expected it, I would not have recognized you," she said in a very young voice. Then Nikki did a double take. "That is not make-up."

"I am half Páji," Niel replied with a grin. "We should take a picture. I have the beak, you do not. Nice mane, you obtained just the right amount of body. Love the bun."

"I am sure we all have a lot to say about our appearances but right now we all need to listen to the Audiowave." A young Felene male sporting a long, wild mane, earrings and "tattoos", formerly of the Imperial Guard, anxiously spoke.

Niel looked Harom over and spouted, "and I pay good money for you to look like this?"

"Father dear," was his retort, "the Emperor is about to address us. Which address will be repeated several times throughout the day. But, the sooner we listen the better."

They followed Harom to the back of the store where the rest were gathered around an antique looking com unit. Debby put both of her "kitty-cat paws" over her "kitty-cat" mouth and nose to stifle a giggle when she saw Niel and Jessa.

"I am Cori," she told them. "It is short for corazón, the Spanish word for heart."

Niel winked at her and pulled up a chair by hers. Nikki sat on her other side. Loboth's voice came over the old speakers loudly and clearly. He started warmly and friendly.

"My fellow citizens, welcome to the third day of the centennial celebration of our glorious empire. Changes of government have occurred during our history. It is certain that there was never a change with such far-reaching results as that of one hundred years ago. At that time, the economic situations of Casároni and Trafalma were desperate. Unemployment rate had never been higher. Homes were repossessed daily. Bankruptcies and business closures were commonplace. Small banks and lending institutions were relics of the past. Trafalma stocks ceased to be exchanged and Casarónian stock worth shrunk daily. Suicide rates on both planets increased as people lost hope. So many riots occurred on Trafalma that martial law was imposed. Only two financial institutions were solvent, the here and gone of con artists and the businesses owned by the Praedorian Humans. They alone profited from the impending collapse of our economic life.

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