Chapter 37 Loboth is rebuked

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Note to readers, I am having trouble posting this chapter, It may be in two pieces.Emperor Kart Loboth pounded his elevator's basement button. Before the door had opened completely, he squeezed through and stormed down the short hallway to his spa. He had never regretted building his palace on the remains of the old temple. That was his triumph. Each time he enjoyed a soak in his hot tub, he rejoiced in his victory over the Followers' gods. What he regretted was using the former baptistery as a cell for their prophet and his wife. He plowed through the double glass doors, smashing them into the guards stationed on either side. The Shamin's were sitting on a bench having a quiet conversation. He strode over to stand in front of them.

"Give it up Shamin," he shouted. "I will release you and your wife if you will give it up. I ordered an end to the protests. Guards are shooting to kill any people who form a group. I will call it off when I have the Eye."

The elderly male smiled at his wife and patted her hand before turning to Loboth. His serene control clashed with Loboth's rage. "Events are not to your liking, are they Kart? I told you the Eye of Angels is not mine to give. Father God is with those who do His will. If they die, it is to their glory and your condemnation. You are the one to give it up. Repent Kart; give up your anger, hatred and sin. Give up your desire for false power and come back to the only true source."

Loboth's icy eyes narrowed. Both returned his stare with calm confidence. He continued his demands. "You will tell me where it is. Your puny rebellion will be over at midnight. I have brought the Freedom Alliance Leaders together, including Niel Brecket. They believe they are planning a bold move that will give them my empire. In reality I have them and will crush them. Tomorrow Nikana will be the only one left. Since she will do what is best for my daughter, she is no problem. You will stand with me when I announce the end of the revolt and the Two of Prophesy. You will give me your allegiance so all will know who has the true power."

Prophet Shamin slowly shook his head. "You will not crush them and I will not stand with you. Danniell honors the priesthood you rejected. Nikana is not your only problem."

The door opened and a guard entered. "Your Highness, please forgive the interruption. I bring an emergency message from Airguard Command. The bombers have been destroyed."

"What?" Loboth almost struck the guard who fell to his knees and held out the report.

"Read for yourself Sire," the trembling male said. Loboth snatched the paper and as he read, the guard wailed. "Lightning reached up and destroyed all three ships. Like the hand of God it was. First the insects now the elements. Sire I beg of you, stop before we are all destroyed."

Loboth grabbed a gun from one of the sentries and thanked the messenger for his concern. He returned the rifle and ordered, "get someone to clean the mess."

Srn. Shamin gasped and sobbed. The prophet closed his eyes briefly but otherwise looked unfazed. His voice was stern when he rebuked Loboth, "that was not needed. You will leave now. Your fury will not touch us. You think you have imprisoned us here. You are wrong. God has brought us here, to the remnant of His house, to be safe from you."

Loboth raised his arm to strike the elderly male who sat stone still. He dropped it as quickly and growled, "then let God bring you food."

He turned and barked orders, "tell the kitchen to stop feeding the prisoners. Let them drink from the sinks or the toilets for all I care and conjure food by their priesthood." He stepped firmly on the dead male's hand as he stormed out.

Usually when Loboth felt out of sorts he went to his lens and scanned the valley. This would give him great pleasure and a rush of power knowing that all he saw was his, all his. Scanning this evening made things worse. He started and stopped with downtown. He looked for protests and guards shooting or otherwise destroying the enemy. Many protests were present, banding and disbanding as they had all day. There were battles, between guards and looters. These were short-lived fights involving kicks, punches and thrown objects. Finally, he found guards shooting, into the air. This sent the protesters running for cover until they realized that the guards would only shoot once. Then they came out and left the area. He hit his lens so hard he bruised his hand. He stared at the east range, desperate to find a solution to his problem, but too angry to think. A sharp beeping grabbed his attention. His com unit announced an interplanetary emergency call. "What now," he groaned and left his porch.

Commander Drushin, a human female with bronze skin and bushy rust brown hair looked haggard. The signal bringing the message from the military government of the planet Hesth was equally rough. Loboth adjusted his controls trying to improve the reception. He picked up broken words, "attem...oute signal...then." The picture cleared and the sound was legible.

"That is better. Can you see and hear me Your Highness?"

"Yes Commander, what is happening?"

"We have planet wide mutiny. This morning a freighter arrived from Casároni with the rumor that you were dead and the Empire had fallen. The captain claimed to have attended the opening exercises of the Festival and heard Danniell speak. I contacted Supreme Commander Scorleus and was apprised of the truth. Even though I spread the word that both Empire and Emperor are alive and well, people believed the rumor. Between the networks of the Witnesses of the Redeemer and the Hesth Liberation Group word spread over the planet as flies over a carcass. All the rebel groups have joined the HLG with Witness support.

"I followed standard protocol until receiving messages from my former Assistant Commanders on the continents of Paresh and Casth. Both have defected and commanded me to step down. They say their guards are solidly behind them and will fight to liberate the planet if needed. Assistant Commanders seGonga, Duggins and Marolic are still loyal. However a great deal of their guards and one quarter of mine have rebelled. I have been unable to reach Assistant Commander Tarmeran as our communications station was damaged. If her unit has turned, there is little hope of reestablishing Imperial rule.

"I was unable to reach Commander Scorleus with this news so am reporting to you. What are your orders Excellency?"

Loboth leaned forward on his desk and held his forehead for a few seconds. He shouted, "you will do whatever it takes to reestablish order and Imperial rule. Do you understand? Whatever it takes do it.

Explosion and static cut off Commander Drushin's answer. Loboth was unable to reestablish communications. Keying in Scorleus' com code, he rang his most high officer.

"Assistant Commander Kershon reporting from Moriah General Hospital, Excellency. Commander Scorleus is being treated right now for an injury sustained during a fight with looters. What is your command Sire?"

"My command," Loboth growled, "was to shoot the protesters and stop the protests. Why is it not happening?"

Kershon grimaced and shrank a bit. "Sir, the orders were given but the guards are refusing. They will only fight with the looters." Somewhere in his being, Kershon found some courage, stood taller and proclaimed. "The protesters are family, neighbors and friends. No one will do it. Is there not another way to end the rebellion? The people are following the Two in greater and greater numbers. Is there not another way?"

"No!" Loboth screamed. "I am Emperor and my word is law. My Empire is under attack and you will kill all enemies. Wipe them out! Do you understand? Let the galaxy learn that I am the ultimate power!" Before Kershon could respond, Loboth ended the transmission.

He spun his chair around and stared out the patio doors. For the first time in ninety-five years, Kart Loboth felt old. After a moment, he realized two things: he had mishandled the situation and he could do better. He spun back around, rolled to his keyboard and began writing.

NikanatedanniellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora